Tools > More… > Wizards The Wizards are a series of automated tools that help speed up certain processes, or keeps you to a specific process using the AppliCad functions..… read more →
Verify Entity This command reports all the CAD data and information about an entity you select. The reported information differs depending on the type of entity you have selected. In… read more →
Tools > Measure > … (Pulldown menu) The measure commands allow you to measure a variety of geometric properties in the model. Measure Pitch Aerial Image This function allows… read more →
Tally-Quantities This command automatically reports the geometric lengths and area of the roof and roof lines. You also are told the number of shell ends as well as the… read more →
Show-LineTypes This command automatically displays the line types of each line. These are tags with the prefix ENTITY TYPE:. These labels disappear after a repaint.
Show-Pitches This command automatically displays the storey and the pitch/slope on each roof plane in the model. These labels disappear after a repaint. The following diagram shows a roof where… read more →
Show/Hide-Planes Selecting this button toggles between roof planes on and roof planes off. This command automatically cycles through the model and draws a cross-hatch pattern on each roof plane. It… read more →
Set-Display This command allows you to mask different categories of information from your current display as well as by storey. When you click the command, the Display settings dialog box… read more →
Plot The Tools > Plot command allows you to quickly create a plot as Vertical or Horizontal and send it to your Windows printer. You also have the option to… read more →
Grid On/Off (Pulldown Menu) This command draws a snapping grid in the graphics area of the screen. A snapping grid can be useful if you are doing concept work rather… read more →