Reporting Key Text Strings (KTS)
The following pages are a summary of all the available key text strings for creating or editing your templates. They are a very powerful tool that allows you to create the output from Roof Wizard that suits your requirement EXACTLY – (Current to V8.3 and up) Maybe refer back to this page ocasionally, we are adding new KTS’s occasionally, allowing more creative ways to enhance your reporting abilities.
The following key text strings are available for use on reports and drawings you create. Be aware that some may be designed to work specifically with MS Word and Excel templates and as such, cannot be used in the CAD templates, and vice versa. Also note that most of these KTS’s are case sensitive, especially when used in Word or Excel.
You will occasionally see key text strings that appear to do the same thing such ###Today and ###TodaysDate or ###CompName and ###CompanyName. Don’t panic, they do the same thing. They have been developed for use in different parts of the software.
Do not use spaces in the key text strings. A hyphen or dash ‘-‘ is acceptable where indicated for use with quote groups.
Company Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description | |
###Compname | Company name | |
###Compadd1 | Company address line 1 | |
###Compadd2 | Company address line 2 | |
###Compfax | Company fax | |
###Compnotes | Company notes – shown as ‘Note 2’ on Company Info dialog box | |
###Compphone | Company phone | |
###CompACN | Company number – shown as ‘Note 1’ on Company Info dialog box | |
###CompABN | Company Business Number | |
###CompNote1 | Note 1 for Company Header – to add slogans etc to letter head | |
###CompNote2 | Note 2 for Company Header – to add slogans etc to letter head |
Job Key Text Strings from [Job Info > Job Details] dialog
(Note that a tool exists to customise the Job Details input screen which will result in different labels for fields in this dialog box if changed. The key text string will still refer to the same name for that field in the dialog box, even if the function or purpose changes.)
Key text string | Description | |
###Jobnumber | Job number | |
###Joborder | Order number | |
###Jobdelarea | Job delivery area | |
###Jobpickupdate | Job pick up date | |
###Jobquote | Quote number | |
###Jobadd1 | Job address line 1 | |
###Jobadd2 | Job address line 2 | |
###Jobadd3 | Job address line 3 | |
###Jobinstaldate | Job installation date | |
###Jobdeldate | Job delivery date | |
###MapRef | The job map reference from [Job Info > Job Details] dialog | |
###WindZone | The windzone string | |
###RoofType | The roof type string | |
###JobType | The job type string | |
###JobTerm | The job payment term string | |
— | ||
###JobAddress1 | Job address line 1 (Legacy Text String – use ###Jobadd1) | |
###JobAddress2 | Job address line 2 (Legacy Text String – use ###Jobadd2) | |
###JobAddress3 | Job address line 3 (Legacy Text String – use ###Jobadd3) | |
###JobCostTotal | Job cost total including tax (Legacy Text String) | |
###JobNo | Job number (Legacy Text String – use ###JobNumber) | |
###JobTotal | Job total (Used by ‘Nett Only’ reports – for everything else use Costing Strings, described below) |
People Key Text Strings
Roof Geometry Key Text Strings
The following strings define the combined geometric values for the roof or roofs in the current job.
Note: All strings indicated with a * allow for a prefix to report individual storeys as shown below in the example for ###RoofArea. Without the prefix, the total area is reported.
###nCeilingArea *###CeilingArea for the total ceiling area
###1CeilingArea for total area of 1st story
###2CeilingArea for total area of 2nd story
###3CeilingArea for total area of 3rd story etc.
Key text string | Description |
###nRoofArea * | ###RoofArea for the total roof area ###1RoofArea for total area of 1st story ###2RoofArea for total area of 2nd story ###3RoofArea for total area of 3rd story etc. |
###FlatArea | The total area of flat roof (zero pitch) |
###RidgeLen * | The total ridge length |
###HipLen * | The total hip length |
###ValleyLen * | The total valley length |
###FasciaLen * | The total fascia length |
###GutterLen * | The total gutter length |
###BargeLen * | The total barge length |
###FasciaBargeLen * | The total fascia as barge length |
###ApronLen * | The total apron length |
###BoxGutterLen * | The total box gutter length |
###StepLen * | The total length of step flashing |
###FasciaOnlyLen * | The length of lines tagged as fascia-only |
###GutterOnlyLen * | The length of lines tagged as gutter-only |
###NumStoreys | Shows number of storeys in the model |
###NumUnits | Units of measure used |
— | |
###ShellEnds * | The number of shell ends |
###Apexes * | The number of apexes |
###BargeApex * | Number of barge apex points |
###BattenLen | The total batten line length – tile battens and metal roof battens/purlins. |
###Batten2Len | The total batten 2 line length |
###BargeBotLeft * | Number of connected barge bottom ends on the left hand side (the bottom of a barge line connected to a fascia as in the bottom of a gable end, or the bottom of a rake line on an atrium) |
###BargeBotRight * | Number of connected barge bottom ends on the right hand side (the bottom of a barge line connected to a fascia as in the bottom of a gable end, or the bottom of a rake line on an atrium) |
###BargeTopInt * | Number of connected barge top ends forming an internal corner |
###BargeTopExt * | Number of connected barge top ends forming an external corner |
###BargeFreeBotLeft * | Number of unconnected barge ends at the bottom left |
###BargeFreeBotRight * | Number of unconnected barge ends at the bottom right |
###BargeFreeTopLeft * | Number of unconnected barge ends at the top left |
###BargeFreeTopRight* | Number of unconnected barge ends at the top right |
###StopLeft * | Number of gutter stop end left |
###StopRight * | Number of gutter stop end right |
###Int90Cnr * | Number of gutter internal 90 corners |
###Int135Cnr * | Number of gutter internal 135 corners |
###Ext90Cnr * | Number of gutter external 90 corners |
###Ext135Cnr * | Number of gutter external 135 corners |
###ChimneyQty | The number of chimneys set in Supply and Install > Labour |
###EaveOHG | Eave overhang or offset amount |
###VergeOHG | Verge overhang or offset amount |
###GableOHG | Verge overhang or offset amount (same as VergeOHG) |
###Pitch | The pitch of the roof – if all your jobs are a single pitch. |
###MultiPitches | Used to display all roof pitches – used when you might have lots of different pitches on the same job. |
###EaveOffset | The eave offset |
###EaveHeight | The eave height |
###RafterCentres | The rafter spacing (Redundant Text String – use RafterSpace) |
###RafterSpace | The rafter spacing |
###Battensz | The batten size |
###TotCnr | Total number of corners |
— | |
###NumRoofPlanes * | Reports total number of roof planes in a model |
###NumEaveHeights * | Reports total number of eave heights in a model |
###NumRoofPitches * | Reports total number of different roof pitches in a model |
###NumRoofHoles * | Reports total number of holes in roof planes in a model |
###NumRoofBargeLine* | Reports total number of barge-lines in a model (a.k.a. gable or eave transition or rake) |
General Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description | ||
###Supply | If you selected Costing Supply-Only, then this string is exchanged for “For the supply only of …” If you selected Costing Supply-Install, then this string is exchanged for “For the supply and installation of …” It is assumed that the material breakdown follows on the form. If the Labour Total is zero, the software will automatically say Supply Only. If it has any value in it, then the software will automatically say Supply and Install. |
###SmallSupplyStr | If you selected Costing Supply-Only, then this string is exchanged for “.. supply only …” If you selected Costing Supply-Install, then this string is exchanged for “.. supply and installation …” It is assumed that the material breakdown follows on the form. If the Labour Total is zero, the software will automatically say Supply Only. If it has any value in it, then the software will automatically say Supply and Install. |
###QQnote | This is the note specific to each form. To allow the note to format properly, you set the width field of the text entity to the physical width you want the text to run to. You set this by going to [CAD > Text > Change > Width], then select the QQNote key text string to set the width on the report. The note will then wrap to that width, letting you enter as much as you like without worrying about formatting. QQNote allows for up to 1997 characters in each note for each report. They are stored in an array of 500 in size, which means you could have notes for 500 reports. To force a carriage return to wrap the text to a new line, use the ^ character in the text string. |
###Discount | Discount rate on quote | ||
###TotalPages | Total number of pages | ||
###Page | Writes “Page xx of yy” where xx is the current page and yy is the total number of pages | ||
###EstNum | The job quotation number (Legacy Text String – now redundant) | ||
###PurchaseOrder | Purchase Order number as specified in the job details dialogue | ||
###Profit | Job margin or job profit – quotation sell price minus job cost (RoofMaster program only) | ||
###Todaysdate | Today’s date (Redundant Text String – use ###Today) | ||
###Today | Today’s date | ||
###Time | Time quote printed | ||
— | |||
###RoofDrawing | Inserts a drawing of the roof onto a Word template at a known scale (it is recommended that ###RoofImage[n] be used instead of this string due to a Windows EPS filter bug – FAQ refers). | ||
###UnscaledRoofDrawing | Inserts a drawing of the roof onto a Word template to best fit with constrained proportions | ||
###(n)RoofDrawing | Inserts a drawing of the specified storey of the roof onto a Word template at a known scale (Where ‘n’ is the number of the storey – no brackets) – (it is recommended that ###RoofImage[n] be used instead of this string due to a Windows EPS filter bug – FAQ refers) | ||
###(n)UnscaledRoofDrawing | Inserts a drawing of the specified storey of the roof onto a Word template to best fit with constrained proportions (Where ‘n’ is the number of the storey – no brackets) – (it is recommended that ###RoofImage[n] be used instead of this string due to a Windows EPS filter bug – FAQ refers) | ||
###IsoRoofDrawing | Inserts an isometric view drawing of the roof onto a Word or Excel template to best fit the box with constrained proportions. Note that this key text string is case sensitive. | ||
###RoofImage[n] | Inserts a roof plan drawing into a MS Word report – refer to that section of the manual above, as you have many controls for what appears with the roof plan. The KTS must be in a single cell table in your document – this sets the constraints for the image. | ||
###RoofImageC[n] | Inserts a roof plan drawing into a MS Word report, constrained to position – refer to that section of the manual as you have many controls for what appears with the roof plan (dimensions, flashing layout etc.) | ||
###DatabaseName | This will write the AppliCad database file and model name for this particular job. For example, if your database file name is called “My Database Name” and the model name is “My model name” then ###DatabaseName will be exchanged for “AppliCad database file : My Database Name Model My Model name” |
###DatabaseFileName | The name of the database file (similar to above – database name only) | ||
###DatabaseModelName | The name of the model (similar to above – model name only) | ||
###Scale | The plot scale of the job | ||
— | |||
###Notes1 | User defined notes 1 – for very early software, only suited to //Quotation template | ||
###Notes2 | User defined notes 2 – for very early software, only suited to //Installer Pay template | ||
###Notes3 | User defined notes 3 – for very early software, only suited to //Cost Summary template | ||
###Notes4 | User defined notes 4 – for very early software, only suited to //Order Forms template | ||
###MultiGauges | Prints out the course gauge for each plane on the roof | ||
###EaveType | Eave type selected – ie None, Gutter Only, Fascia Only, Fascia & Gutter | ||
###FrameType | Indicates steel or timber from from Job Info screen. | ||
— | |||
###LabTax | The labour component for the job exclusive of tax | ||
###Tax | The rate set in Tools>Preferences (Redundant String– use Costing Strings) | ||
###SalesTax | The rate set in Tools>Preferences (Redundant String– use Costing Strings) | ||
###SalesTax% | The rate set in Tools>Preferences (Redundant String– use Costing Strings) | ||
###Term | Payment terms set in Customer (Redundant String – use Costing Strings) |
Metal Roofing and Flashing Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description | |
###RoofMat | The straight metal roofing material you selected for this job | |
###SheetArea | The total roof sheet area when cut list is determined by Gen Panels | |
###1BlockArea | The total roof sheet area when cut list determined by Blocking – 1st storey | |
###2BlockArea | The total roof sheet area when cut list determined by Blocking – Total of all remaining storeys (ie excluding 1st storey). | |
###BlockCuttingDrawing | The Block-Cut Drawing – Showing the roof layout as determined using the Block-Cut process. May be used in a MS Word template. | |
###CRoofMat | The curved roof material you selected for this job | |
###MSRoofQty | The area of straight metal roofing | |
###MCRoofQty | The area of curved metal roofing | |
###MSarkName | The name of the sarking for the metal roof | |
###PanelMats | Similar to RoofMat, but this handles multiple material types on the same job – if more than one material the list is prefixed 1: [desc], 2: [desc] etc. | |
###PanelLens | Total length of all panels of a type – if more than one material on the same job, the list is prefixed 1: [length], 2: [length] etc. | |
###PanelAreas | Total area of all panels of a type – if more than one material on the same job, the list is prefixed 1: [area], 2: [area] etc. | |
###PanelQtys | Total number of individual panels, regardless of length. | — |
###CoilWidth | The width of coil required to fabricate a panel profile – (necessary for ordering/pricing of projects). | |
###CoilWeight | The weight per sq ft/sq m of the selected coil – (necessary for ordering/pricing of projects). | |
###JobCoilWeight | Total weight of the coil required for the job – (necessary for ordering/delivery charge to add to quotes). | — |
###MFallName | The name of the fall protection for the metal roof | |
###ValleyMat | The valley material you selected for this job | |
###RidgeMat | The ridge material you selected for this job | |
###HipMat | The hip material you selected for this job | |
###FasciaMat | The fascia material you selected for this job (Add ###FasciaCol if colour needs to be displayed) | |
###GutterMat | The gutter material you selected for this job (Add ###GutterCol if colour needs to be displayed) | |
###FasciaCol | Lists the material colour for fascia | |
###GutterCol | Lists the material colour for gutters | |
###BargeMat | The barge material you selected for this job | |
###BatMat | The batten material you selected for this job | |
###Bat2Mat | The batten material of the secondary batten for this job | |
###BoxGutterMat | The box gutter material you selected for this job | |
###ApronMat | The apron material you selected for this job | |
###StepMat | The step flashing you selected for this job. | |
###DPMat | The downpipe material you selected for this job | |
###MRidgeQty | The length of just metal ridge flashing | |
###MValleyQty | The length of just metal valley flashing | |
###MGutterQty | The length of just metal gutter | |
###MFasciaQty | The length of just metal fascia flashing | |
###MBargeQty | The length of just metal barge flashing | |
###MApronQty | The length of just metal apron flashing | |
###MHipQty | The length of just metal hip flashing | |
###MStepQty | The length of just metal step flashing | |
###MDPipeQty | The number of downpipes | |
###MDPipeSize | The size of the downpipes | |
###DPList | Creates a table of all downpipes used on the job. | |
###DPQty | The quantity of the downpipes | |
###BattenItems | The list of battens on the job | |
###MBattenQty | The length of battens – type one | |
###MBatten2Qty | The length of battens – type two | |
###BatQty | The total quantity of batten items | |
###Bat | The length of battens (Redundant String – use ###BatQty) | |
###FlashAccessList | Lists the flashing accessories material items for the job | |
###SheetAccessList | Lists the sheeting/panel accessories material items for the job | |
###FlashLabAccessList | Lists the flashing accessories labour items for the job | |
###SheetLabAccessList | Lists the sheeting/panel accessories labour items for the job | |
###LineItem_Bends | Outputs the number of bends for custom profile flashing details | |
###LineItem_Girth | Outputs the girth of material required for custom profile flashings. | |
###(n)User(N)Len | The length of User flashing (as defined in Set-Up > System Preferences) where ‘n’ is the storey number and ‘N’ is the User number (1, 2, 3 or 4). eg: ###1User1Len ###1User2Len |
Tile Roof Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###TileMan | The tile supplier |
###TileColour | The tile colour |
###TileProfile | The tile profile |
###TileType | The name of the tile |
###TileMaterial | The tile material |
###TileCov | The tile coverage |
###TileMaxLen | The maximum length of the tile |
###TileMinLen | The minimum length of the tile |
###TileWidth | The width of the tile |
###TileRidgeLen | The length of the ridge tile |
###TileAccessList | A list of tile accessories on the job |
###ShingleAccessList | A list of Shingle accessories on the job |
###ShakeAccessList | A list of Shake accessories on the job |
###TileRoofCost | The cost of a roof tile |
###TileHipCost | The cost of a hip tile |
###TileRidgeCost | The cost of a ridge tile |
###TileShellcost | The cost of a shell end |
###TileApexCost | The cost of an apex tile |
###TileBargeLen | The length of a barge for tile |
###TileBargeCost | The cost of a barge ridge tile |
###TileCartage | The cost to deliver 100 tiles |
###HipType | The hip type on the tile roof |
###RidgeType | The ridge type on the tile roof |
###ValleyType | The valley type on the tile roof |
###GableType | The gable type on the tile roof |
###FlexPointing | If flexible pointing is present |
###CounterMat | The name of the counter batten material |
###CBattenLen | The length of counter battens |
###CourseLen | The length of courses on the tile roof (same as the batten length) |
###LongRafter | The length of the longest rafter on a tile roof (only relevant if COURSING method of estimating is used.) |
###LRCourses | The number of courses on the longest rafter |
###LRCSpacing | The course spacing on the longest rafter |
###MultiGauge | Shows the tile gauge for different roof planes |
Fastener Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###FastQty | The quantity of fasteners |
###FastSize | The fastener size |
Fall Protection Key Text Strings
Fall protection options for fall protection “systems”. This allows estimators to produce exacting output of what is being estimated and calculated on various reports. In addition, the matching of this to modified categories ensures all results output, overcoming issues where previously modified category names would skew output.
Key text string | Description |
###FallName | The name of the fall protection system you have selected (when there is just one selected) |
###FallProtection | Set to YES if you have fall protection, otherwise NO |
###Fall1Name | The name of the first fall protection system you have selected (up to max of 3 types in one job) |
###Fall1Qty | The quantity of the first fall protection system you have selected |
###Fall1Cost | The cost of the first fall protection system you have selected |
###Fall2Name | The name of the second fall protection system you have selected (up to max of 3 types in one job) |
###Fall2Qty | The quantity of the second fall protection system you have selected |
###Fall2Cost | The cost of the second fall protection system you have selected |
###Fall3Name | The name of the third fall protection system you have selected (up to max of 3 types in one job) |
###Fall3Qty | The quantity of the third fall protection system you have selected |
###Fall3Cost | The cost of the third fall protection system you have selected |
Insulation Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###InsulQty | The quantity of insulation This KTS simply lists the total area of all “insulations” Where the value is calculated as the total of all laminate areas (up to 10 of them allowed) If the value of laminate is 0.0, then it assigns the gl_SarkArea (Sarking or laminate area) to the value instead, so that this can be used for both ###INSULQTY and ###SARKAREA. |
###InsulMat | The insulation material you selected for this job. Uses the material option for Insulation first. If set to “Not included” then it replaces with either Underlay or Sarking name, if in place. |
###InsulList | The list of insulation types used in the job. Works for CAD, Excel and Word builds list from Insulation, Underlay and Sarking category lists from S&I BOM with the category name of “Insulation” and outputs them in a list with the following format: <Supplier> – <Profile> [<Product Code>] |
###Underlay | The underlay material you selected for this job |
###SarkLargeRolls | The total number of large rolls of Sarking |
###SarkSmallRolls | The total number of small rolls of Sarking |
###SarkName | The name of the sarking for the job |
###Sarked | Set to YES if there is sarking or NO if there is no sarking |
###SarkArea | The area of roof that is sarked – Tile or Metal |
Tiler Pay Values Key Text Strings
These values are calculated on the Costing1 dialog box in Roof Wizard
Note: All strings indicated with a * allow for a suffix to report individual storeys as shown below in the example for ###RoofArea. Without the suffix, the total length is reported.
Key text string | Description |
###Tilername | Tiler’s name (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tileraddress1 | Tiler’s address line 1 (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tileraddress2 | Tiler’s address line 2 (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tilerraddress3 | Tiler’s address line 3 (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tilerfax | Tiler’s fax number (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tilercontact | Tiler’s contact name (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tilerphone | Tiler’s phone (Redundant string – use Installer) |
###Tilermobile | Tiler’s mobile (Redundant string – use Installer) |
— | |
###Tilerroof1 * | Installers roof pay storey 1 – and each storey up to storey 10 Eg ###Tilerroof2 = installers roof pay storey 2 and ###Tilerroof3 = installers roof pay storey 3 etc. |
###Tilerhips1 * | Installers hip pay storey 1 |
###Tilervalleys1 * | Installers valley pay storey 1 |
###Tilerridges1 * | Installers ridge pay storey 1 |
###Tilergables1 * | Installers gable pay storey 1 |
###TilersPay | The Tilers pay not including extras |
###NumUnits | The default number of housing units for this job |
Tile Quotation Values and Quantities Key Text Strings
The following strings refer to the Reporting command, after a quotation has been saved.
Key text string | Description |
###TileItems | The number of tiles |
###TileJCrate | The tile cost |
###TileJobCost | Total cost of roof tiles |
###TileAccessList | A list of tile accessories on the job |
— | |
###HipItems | The number of hip tiles |
###HipJCrate | The hip tile cost |
###HipJobCost | Total cost of hip tiles |
— | |
###ValleyItems | The number of valley items |
###ValleyJCrate | The valley item cost |
###ValleyJobCost | Total cost of valley items |
— | |
###RidgeItems | The number of ridge tiles |
###RidgeJCrate | The ridge tile cost |
###RidgeJobCost | Total cost of ridge tiles |
###GableItems | The number of barge tiles |
###GableJCrate | The barge tile cost |
###GableJobCost | Total cost of barge tiles |
— | |
###SarkingItems | The number of rolls of sarking |
###SarkingJCrate | The sarking cost |
###SarkingJobCost | Total cost of sarking |
— | |
###BattenItems | The length of battens |
###BattenQuoterate | The batten quote rate |
###BattenJobCost | Total cost of battens |
###BattenQuan | The quantity of battens |
— | |
###CartageItems | The number of cartage items |
###CartageJCrate | The cartage cost |
###CartageJobCost | Total cost of cartage |
— | |
###ShellEndsItems | The number of shell end items |
###ShellEndsJCrate | The shell end cost |
###ShellEndsJobCost | Total cost of shell ends |
— | |
###ApexItems | The number of apex items |
###ApexJCrate | The apex cost |
###ApexJobCost | Total cost of apexes |
— | |
###WasteTiles | The number of waste tiles |
###WasteShingles | The number of waste shingles |
###Wasteshakes | The number of waste shakes |
Tables and Lists Key Text Strings
All ###CostingDetails* table reports will print as multi-page documents if required by the number of items in the table.
Key text string | Description |
Variations on Costing Tables |
###CostingDetailsTable | The costing details table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size and includes Rebate/Extra and Sub-Total fields when the job total has been manually modified. Shows material and labour markup, and excludes tax. [Category][Item Desc][Qty][Rate][SubTotal][Disc][Total]The Job total is ex tax only. |
###CostingDetailsTable1 | This is the same as the costing details table above, but only reports the category, description and quantities only and omits all the costing fields. [Category][Item Description][Qty] |
###CostingDetailsTable2 | The costing details table full format with tax is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. Shows material and labour markup, and total ex. tax as well as total inc. tax. Also shows tax as a separate item. [Category][Item Desc][Qty][Rate][SubTotal][Disc][Total] |
###CostingDetailsTable3 | The costing details table full format without tax is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Shows material and labour totals. Does not show job totals or Quote Groups. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. [Category][Item Desc][Qty][Rate][SubTotal][Disc][Total] |
###CostingDetailsTable4 | The costing details table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size and includes Discount fields when the job total has been manually modified.
###CostingDetailsTable4 outputs calls the function with mode = 2. With this set, the software outputs: Discount in place of Sub-Total |
###CostingDetailsTable5 | The costing details table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size when the job total has been manually modified. It includes a column for Units of Measure.
To link the unit of measure with a product item, a file called UOM.dat must be created in the …\User folder with the product code of any/all products and the UoM separated by a comma. For example – Product Code,UoM Note that the structure of the file is critical, for example: no spaces at the start of each line. Failure to get this (the UoM.dat file) correct, stops this CostingTable from working. |
###CostingSimpleTable | A simple table of item description fields without pricing, showing all material items on a job. [Item Description] |
###CostingSimpleTableFlashQty | A simple table of item description fields without pricing, showing flashing items on a job. [Item Description] |
Costing Details for Quote Groups |
###CostingDetailsTableQG | The costing details table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###CostingDetailsTable1QG | This is the same as the costing details table above, but only reports the category, description and quantity and omits the costing fields. Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###CostingDetailsTable2QG | Same as previous table, but with Discount and Discount Rate, instead of Sub-Total and Discount. (Cost Price) Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
Variations on Order Forms |
###OrderTable | Full order table, number of columns = 3; Description, Qty, Rate |
###TotalOrderTable | Full order table, number of columns = 4; Description, Qty, Rate, Total (this works in conjunction with the MS Word template – OrderFormTemplate.doc and Excel with the OrderFormTemplate.xls) |
###OrderTableSimple | Number of columns = 2: Description, Qty (this only works in conjunction with the MS Word template – OrderFormTemplate.doc) |
###OrderTableCutting | Number of columns = 6; Qty, <blank>, Length, <blank>, <blank>, <blank>, Cutting list in this format. |
###OrderTableCuttingPrice | Number of columns = 8; Qty, <blank>, Length, <blank>, <blank>, <blank>, Price, SubTotal. Cutting list in this format. |
###OrderTableNonCutting | Number of columns = 2: Description, Qty |
###OrderTableNonCuttingPrices | Full order table, number of columns = 4; Description, Qty, Rate, SubTotal |
###CuttingListTable | The metal panel cutting list table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size and matches the Tally Panels reporting dialog. This table will also show panel lengths in whole Inches if set in Preferences, allowing you to easily input into your machine controller. |
Variations on Pay Tables |
###PaySummaryTable | The pay summary table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. |
###PaySummaryTable2 | The pay summary table for second storey is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. |
###PaySummaryTableQG | The pay summary table divided into Quote Groups is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. All pay items grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###QGRoofing-PaySummaryTable | This creates a Pay Summary table for items that comprise the Quote Group (in this case the Quote Group called Roofing). You might also have a Quote group pay summary for Fascia and Gutter and the KTS would be ‘QGFascia_Gutter-PaySummaryTable’. A separate page is printed for each QG. |
###PitchAreasTable | Creates a table of different roof areas based on pitch. |
Sheet and Flashing List Tables |
###SheetListTable | Produces a Sheetlist, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. It automatically formats the sheetlist with 5 entries per line. Note – This KTS works for MS Word/Excel and CAD templates. In Word: In Excel: |
Produces a sheet list table in the form of:
Produces a sheet list table for wall panels similar to the one shown above. |
###SheetListTable[N] | Controlling # Columns in Excel
Produces a Sheetlist, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. N can be 2,4,6,8 or 10 and specifies the number of columns making up a table that has QTY then LENGTH in subsequent cells. For example, a value of N = 2 would look like this for the following cutting list (23/7600, 12/5400, 22/1200) a value of N = 4 will produce the following: |
###FlashingList2[n] |
Controlling # Columns in Excel These strings produces a list, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish for each category of material. Note – This KTS set works for MS Excel templates only. N can be 2,4,6,8 or 10 and specifies the number of columns making up a table that has QTY then LENGTH in subsequent cells. Ideally suited to creating order forms and detailed quotations in Excel.For example, a value of N = 2 would look like this for the following cutting list (23/7600, 12/5400, 22/1200) 23 7600 12 5400 22 1200a value of N = 4 will produce the following: 23 7600 12 5400 22 1200 |
###WLWallBattenList | Outputs as per the current roof batten/purlin settings, but isolated to wall battens/purlins only. |
###HSheetListTable | Note the ‘H‘ – This produces a Sheetlist, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. It writes the individual lengths in columns across the spreadsheet, instead of rows down the spreadsheet. Note – This KTS works for MS Excel templates only. |
###HSheetListTable2 | Note the ‘H‘ – This produces a Sheetlist, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. It writes the individual lengths in columns across the spreadsheet, instead of rows down the spreadsheet.
Note – This KTS works for MS Excel templates only. |
###SheetLengthTable | Produces a table of sheet lengths – used ONLY for Drawing Output Type 4 using a MS Word template, to define where the sheet table is placed. Note – This is the MS Word version of the CAD Panel Layout drawing. |
###SheetList | Produces a Sheetlist, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. It automatically formats the sheetlist with 5 entries per line. The text height on this report is set by using the Gen-Panels text height in Panel Allowances. Note – This KTS works for CAD Report only. |
###ShortSheetList | Produces a Sheetlist of Minimum Roof Panel Lengths Breakdown – similar to the list below: This KTS works in Word and Excel |
###WShortSheetList | Produces a Sheetlist of Minimum Wall Panel Lengths Breakdown similar to roof panel lengths described above.
This KTS works in Word and Excel |
###SheetAccessList | Creates a table of sheet or panel accessories |
###SheetLabAccessList | Creates a table of labour for sheet or panel accessories |
###FlashingList | Produces a flashing cutting list, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish. It automatically formats the list with 5 entries per line. |
###FlashingTable | Providing underlined headings, including product code and finish, UoM = PIECES and exact bend angle. |
###FlashingTable2 | Providing underlined headings, removal of product code and finish, changed UoM PIECES to EA and rounded angle of bend to nearest whole degree. |
###FlashingListText | Produces a flashing cutting list, together with a label of supplier, profile and finish as free text in a Word document (ONLY in Word) |
###FlashAccessList | Creates a table of flashing accessories |
###FlashLabAccessList | Creates a table of labour for flashing accessories |
###FasciaAccessList | Inserts list of Fascia accessories |
###GutterAccessList | Inserts list of Gutter accessories |
###RidgeList | Simply lists the ridge material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###ValleyList | Simply lists the valley material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###FasciaList | Simply lists the fascia material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###GutterList | Simply lists the gutter material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###DPList | Creates a table of all downpipes used on the job. |
###BargeList | Simply lists the gable/barge material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###ApronList | Simply lists the apron material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###BattenList | Simply lists the batten material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###BoxGutterList | Simply lists the box gutter material and its cutting list. It is an abridged version of the ###FlashingList |
###StepList | Inserts table with cutting list of Step Flashing |
###User1List, ###User2List, ###User3List, ###User4List | Inserts table with cutting list of User defined flashing – as defined in System Preferences. |
###BattenSpacingTable2 | Inserts a table which describes the batte2 spacings you have set. |
###FixtureList | The list of fixture names in the job |
###ExtraList | The list of extras you selected for the job – zero qty items do not output |
###MiscList | The list of miscellaneous items you selected for the job |
###ParaFixtureList | Outputs a table of label, length/diameter, width and height of parametric fixtures |
###NettRoofQuantities | Generates a table of the nett roof quantities similar to the Tools > Tally-Quantities dialog box. |
###InsulList | The list of insulation types used in the job Works for CAD, Excel and Word Simply builds up a list of all items in the S&I BOM list with the category name of “Insulation” and outputs them in a list with the following format: <Supplier> – <Profile> [<Product Code>] |
###MembraneList | The list of flat roof membranes (single ply or BUR) used on the roof |
###FLASHINGALLOWANCETABLE | The list of allowance settings for flashings and trim used on the roof model.
###PANELALLOWANCETABLE | The list of panel edge allowances used on the roof model. Note that these are the offsets from the the line – so for valley in this example, the setting is 4″ each side of the line. |
###MaterialQuantityTable | An abbreviated list of all materials used on the roof (no headings or descriptions – special order for one customer, but may be useful for other users.) |
###MaterialQuantityTotalTable | An abbreviated list of all materials used on the roof with same sheet lengths added together (no headings or descriptions – special order for one customer.) |
Quote Specific Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###QuoteName | The name of this quote |
###LabMargin | The labor margin percentage |
###JobTotal | The Job total (quotation amount) |
###Rebate | The job discount or extra job margin calculated when Total is changed [=] |
###CroofMat | The total of the curved roof material |
###InsulMat | The total of the insulation material |
###DPMat | The total of the downpipe material |
###RoofMatLab | The sum of roof material cost and roof labor cost |
###CroofMatLab | The sum of curved roof material cost and curved roof labor cost |
###FlashMatLab | The sum of flashing material cost and flashing labor cost |
###InsulMatLab | The sum of insulation material cost and insulation labor cost |
###BatMatLab | The sum of batten material cost and batten labor cost |
###DPMatLab | The sum of downpipe material cost and downpipe labor cost |
###AccMatLab | The sum of accessories material cost and accessories labor cost |
###MatMargin | The material margin percentage |
###SubTotal | The total of the materials and labor |
###RoofMat | The total of the roof material |
###BatMat | The total of the batten material |
###BattenJCRate | Batten job cost rate |
###QQCostTotal | Costing Plus only – total job cost price ex. Tax |
###QQCustPriceTotal | Costing Plus only – total job sell price ex. Tax |
###QQMARGINTABLE | Costin Plus only – table of job margin |
###QQMargin | Costing Plus only – Sell price less cost price |
Quote Groups Key Text Strings
Key text string………………. | Description |
###CostingDetailsTableQG | The costing details table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###CostingDetailsTable1QG | This is the same as the costing details table above, but only reports the category, description and quantity only, and omits the costing fields. Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###CostingDetailsTable2QG | Same as the previous table but with Discount and Discount Rate, instead of Sub-Total and Discount. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. (Cost Price) Items are grouped according to Quote Group definitions. |
###QG”QGName”-PaySummaryTable | This creates a Pay Summary table for items that comprise the Quote Group (”QGName” might be Roofing). You might also have a Quote group pay summary for Fascia and Gutter and the KTS would be ‘QGFascia_Gutter-PaySummaryTable’. A separate page is printed for each QG name. (Permits output of individual QG labour items) |
###QGList | Writes out a list of quote group names and what is within each quote group (as per setup categories). |
###QGList2 | Same as above but without header text for each Quote Group. |
###QG”QGName”-MatSubTotal | Sub-total of Materials for specified Quote Group name |
###QG”QGName”-LabSubTotal | Sub-total of Labour for specified Quote Group name |
###QG”QGName”-Total | Total of Materials and Labour for specified Quote Group name |
Labor Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###RateRoof | The labor rate for roofing |
###RateRidge | The labor rate for ridges |
###RateValley | The labor rate for valley |
###RateFascia | The labor rate for fascia |
###RateBarge | The labor rate for barges |
###RateChimney | The labor rate for chimneys set in Metal Rates |
###RateCRoof | The labor rate for curved roofing |
###RateCApron | The labor rate per curved apron |
###RateCHip | The labor rate per curved hip |
###RateBat | The labor rate for battens |
###RateInsul | The labor rate for insulation |
###RateGutter | The labor rate for guttering |
###RateApron | The labor rate for apron flashing |
###RateBoxGutter | The labor rate for box guttering |
###RateCSheet | The labor rate per curved sheet |
###RateCBarge | The labor rate per curved barge |
###RateCValley | The labor rate per curved valley |
###RateDP | The labor rate for downpipes |
###InsulLab | The total of the insulation labor |
###DPLab | The total of the downpipe labor |
###TotalLab | The total cost of labor |
###LabExTax | Labour excluding tax |
###LabIncTax | Labour including tax |
###FlashLab | The total of the flashing labor |
###FlashLabAccessList | Creates a table of labour for flashing accessories |
###SheetLabAccessList | Creates a table of labour for sheet or panel accessories |
###AccLab | The total of the accessory labor |
Wall Geometry Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###WLWALLAREA | The wall area |
###WLWALLLENGTH | The total wall length |
###WLWINDOWSILL | The length of window sills |
###WLWINDOWEDGE | The length of window edges |
###WLWINDOWHEAD | The length of window heads |
###WLDOOREDGE | The length of door edges |
###WLDOORHEAD | The length of door heads |
###WLINTCNR | The length of internal corners |
###WLEXTCNR | The length of external corners |
###WLWALLTOP | The length of wall tops |
###WLWALLBASE | The length of wall bases |
###WLNWINDOWSILL | The number of window sills |
###WLNWINDOWEDGE | The number of window edges |
###WLNWINDOWHEAD | The number of window heads |
###WLNDOOREDGE | The number of door edges |
###WLNDOORHEAD | The number of door heads |
###WLNINTCNR | The number of internal corners |
###WLNEXTCNR | The number of external corners |
###WLNWALLTOP | The number of wall tops |
###WLNWALLBASE | The number of wall bases |
###WLNWALLS | The number of walls |
Wall and Roof Facet Reports
Additional capability is available to display roof and wall models in isometric view and provide summaries of areas, pitches, lengths etc.
You control the appearance of the attributes of the roof as they appear on the report using ###RoofImage[n]. The key text string for the roof image MUST be placed in a single cell table in MS Word or a cell in MS Excel to work correctly and the size of the single cell table will determine the size of the image. Failure to insert in a MS Word single cell table may cause the software to crash.
The key text string for this option allows the operator to control the level of annotation applied to the roof drawing. For example, you might require dimensions, roof slope/pitch and Line types. This can be achieved by setting the ‘switches’ as shown below, in the combination that you require for the desired output.
The following list summarises what is included on the drawing of the roof model.
Additional annotation Switch
1 - Roof planes (1 = on, 0 = off) 2 - Display Walls (2 = on, 0 = off) 4 - Panel layout/Block layout/Offcut layout (4 = on, 0 = off) 8 - Dimensions (8 = on, 0 = off) 16 - Roof Pitch/Slope (16 = on, 0 64 - Flashing annotations (64 = on, 0 = off) 128 - Battens/Purlins (128 = on, 0 = off) 256 - Course lines (256 = on, 0 = off) 512 - Downpipes (512 = on, 0 = off) 1024 - Section Details Report (1024 = on, 0 = off) 2048 - Block-Cutting (2048 = on, 0 = off) 4096 - Roof plane areas (4096 = on, 0 = off) 8192 - Display defined Zones (8192 = on, 0 = off) 16384 - Display automated roof plane Labels (16384 = on, 0 = off)
###WallImage[n] works in the same way for creating wall reports as ###RoofImage[n] works for roofing. The operator can now control the appearance of the attributes of the wall as they appear on the report using ###WallImage[n] where n = the ‘switches’ as shown below, in the combination that you require for the desired output, in the same manner as described above for the roof report.
1 – Display the Wall Plane Shading (1 = On, 0 = Off) 2 – Display Wall Panels (2 = On, 0 = Off); 4 – Display the Wall Dimensions (4 = On, 0 = Off) 8 – Display the Wall Line Types (8 = On, 0 = Off) 16 – Display Flashing Annotation (16 = On, 0 = Off) 32 – Display Wall Battens/Purlins (32 = On, 0 = Off) 64 – Display Wall Section Details (64 = On, 0 = Off) 128 – Display Wall Plane Areas (128 = On, 0 = Off) 256 – Display Overall Dimensions (256 = On, 0 = Off) 512 – Display Automated Wall Plane Labels (512 = On, 0 = Off) 1024 – Display Automated Wall Plane Labels including Windows & Doors (1024 = On, 0 = Off) 2048 - Display Automated Window & Door Labels Only (2048 = On, 0 = Off)
Wall Section Details
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [% Waste]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Square (Ft/MM)] and a [SubTotal] for each column.
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [% Waste]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Square (Ft/MM)] and a [SubTotal] for each column, with the panel list arranged in the direction of lay, regardless of length.
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure. It includes an isometric view of the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [% Waste]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Square (Ft/MM)] and a [SubTotal] for each column.
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure. It includes an isometric view of the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [% Waste]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Square (Ft/MM)] and a [SubTotal] for each column, with the panel list arranged in the direction of lay, regardless of length.
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure. It includes an isometric view of the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)] in two columns.
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure. It includes an isometric view of the structure, plus a companion table showing – [Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)] in two columns, with the panel list arranged in the direction of lay, regardless of length.
Flashing output for Wall Section Reports has now been included to provide additional value to the report. The flashings display as they would normally in the software. So, if the user does not wish to have them on the report, they need to be turned off using the Tools > Set-Display option prior to reporting.
Unfold Wall Report
The key text string ###UnfoldWallReport allows a Wall Model report to be automatically created with minimal input from the user. All that is required is the inclusion of the single Key Text String ###UnfoldWallReport in a single-page report template in MS Word, and the Roof Wizard software will break down the wall model into sections to display a number of wall planes per page, allowing a table to also be created providing material covering, labels, areas, opening areas, opening perimeters etc.
Shaded views are created to highlight which walls from the 3D model are included in each page, as well as a plan view, also highlighting which walls are included.
Once in the Word report, additional annotation may be added and the layout adjusted to suit the needs of your business.
Facet (Wall/Roof Plane) Tables
Facets are labelled A to Z from smallest to largest. Similarly, windows and doors.
###WallSectionReportDir (2, 3, 4)
Produces a series of tables, and an illustration of each individual wall in the structure, plus a companion table showing –
[Qty]; [Linear (Ft/MM)]; [% Waste]; [Total Linear (Ft/MM)]; [Square (Ft/MM)] and a [SubTotal] for each column, with the panel list arranged in the direction of lay, regardless of length.
Produces a table of roof facets, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and pitch.
Produces a table of roof facets, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and pitch and plane type (material).
Produces a table of roof facets, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and pitch and plane type (material) and azimuth.
Produces a table of wall facets only, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and plane type.
Produces a table of wall facets with windows and doors, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and plane type.
(see example above, note that appearance of the table is controlled by TableFormats.csv)
Produces a table of windows and doors only, labelled with A, B, C etc. and a companion table of facet letter, area and plane type.
Wall Material and Labor Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###WLSidingMat | The siding material |
###WLExtCnrMat | The external corner material |
###WLIntCnrMat | The internal corner material |
###WLWindowSillMat | The window sill material |
###WLWindowEdgeMat | The window edge material |
###WLWindowHeadMat | The window head material |
###WLDoorEdgeMat | The door edge material |
###WLDoorHeadMat | The door head material |
###WLWallTopMat | The wall top material |
###WLWallBaseMat | The wall base material |
###WLLabSiding | The siding labor total |
###WLLabExtCnr | The external corner labor total |
###WLLabIntCnr | The internal corner labor total |
###WLLabWindowSill | The window sill labor total |
###WLLabWindowEdge | The window edge labor total |
###WLLabWindowHead | The window head labor total |
###WLLabDoorEdge | The door edge labor total |
###WLLabDoorHead | The door head labor total |
###WLLabWallTop | The wall top labor total |
###WLLabWallBase | The wall base labor total |
Wall Flashing Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###WLFLashingList | The cutting list of all the wall flashings |
###WLExtCnrList | The external corner flashing list |
###WLIntCnrList | The internal corner flashing list |
###WLWindowHeadList | The window head flashing list |
###WLWindowEdgeList | The window edge flashing list |
###WLWindowSillList | The window sill flashing list |
###WLDoorEdgeList | The door edge flashing list |
###WLDoorHeadList | The door head flashing list |
###WLWallTopList | The wall top flashing list |
###WLWallBaseList | The wall base flashing list |
Cranked/Arc Roof Reports Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###CrankInsideHeight | Overall inside height measurement of cranked roof section |
###CrankInsideWidth | Overall inside width measurement of cranked roof section |
###NumCranks | The number of cranked bends in the sheet |
###NumSheets | The total number of sheets to be cranked for the particular job |
###PanelDepth | The profile depth of the sheet |
###Radius1 | Radius of first bend of cranked sheet |
###Radius2 | Radius of second bend of cranked sheet |
###Radius3 | Radius of third bend of cranked sheet |
###Angle1 | The first angle of arc to bend the crank |
###Angle2 | The second angle of arc to bend the crank |
###Angle3 | The third angle of arc to bend the crank |
###LengthA | Length of the first straight section of a single crank sheet type 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 |
###LengthA1 | The length of the first straight section of a double crank sheet |
###LengthB | The length of the second straight section of a cranked sheet type 4, 5, 7 |
###LengthB2 | The length of the third straight section of a double cranked sheet type 4 |
###LengthC | The length of the first arc of a single crank sheet type 1,2,3,6,8 |
###LengthC1 | The length of the first arc of a double crank sheet type 4,5,7 |
###LengthC2 | The length of the second arc of a double crank sheet type 4,5,7 |
###LengthO | The length of the first section of the cranked sheet type 9 |
###LengthX | The length of the first arc of a three crank sheet type 9 |
###LengthY | The length of the second arc of a three crank sheet type 9 |
###LengthZ | The length of the third arc of a three crank sheet type 9 |
###OrderNo | Order number for cranked sheet work order |
###TotalLength | Total length of sheet required before cranking |
###Pitch | Roof Pitch |
###Colour | Sheet colour for cranked sheets |
###GeometryTable | Sets the geometry table for non-standard roof shapes (specifically not one of the standard shapes 1 through 9) |
Miscellaneous Key Text Strings
Key text string | Description |
###CartageQty | The quantity of cartage |
###DeliveryArea | Job delivery Area Name (Redundant String – Use Job Key Text Strings) |
###DeliveryDate | Proposed delivery date (Redundant String – Use Job Key Text Strings) |
###PickupDate | Proposed job pickup date (Redundant String – Use Job Key Text Strings) |
###Fixdate | Install date (Redundant String – Use Job Key Text Strings) |
###TIDescription | The tax invoice description as input when printing Tax Invoice 1 or 2 reports |
###StageDelDate | The delivery date of the currently selected stage |
###StageInstallDate | The install date of the currently selected stage |
###StageInstaller | The installer of the currently selected stage |
###StageName | The name of the currently selected stage |
— | |
###Title | Drawing Title |
###RoofImage[n] | Inserts an image of your roof model into a report unconstrained – that is it fits the available MS Word text box, table or shape where the information displayed is set by the sum of prime numbers. Refer to managing content for MS Word templates for details. |
###RoofImageC[n] | Inserts an image of your roof model into a report constrained by the image aspect ratio, where the information displayed is set by the sum of prime numbers. Refer to managing content for MS Word templates for details. |
###Image[filename] | Inserts an image (jpg, gif, tif) into a report unconstrained – that is it fits the available MS Word text box, table or shape where the filename is the name of the file inside the square brackets. Refer to setting up MS Word templates for details. |
###ImageC[filename] | Inserts an image (jpg, gif, tif) into a report constrained by the image aspect ratio, where the filename is the name of the file inside the square brackets. Refer to setting up MS Word templates for details. |
Costing Specific Key Text Strings (Sell Price Dialog box)
Key text string | Description |
###QLSUBTOTAL | The labour sub total (Sell price) |
###QLMARKUP | The labour mark up percentage (Sell price) |
###QLTOTAL | The labour total (Sell price) |
###QMSUBTOTAL | The material subtotal (Sell price) |
###QMMARKUP | The material mark up percentage (Sell price) |
###QMTOTAL | The material total (Sell price) |
###QSTAXRATE | The sales tax rate |
###QSTAX | The sales tax amount |
###QQName | The saved name of the quotation |
###QQTotal | The job total for the saved quotation (Same value as ###JobTotal) |
###QuoteCostTotal | The quotation sell price + tax amount (Redundant String – Use QQTotal) |
Costing Plus Specific Key Text Strings (Cost Price Dialog box)
Key text string | Description |
###2QLMARKUP | The labour mark up percentage (Cost price) |
###2QLSUBTOTAL | The labour cost sub total (Cost price) |
###2QLTOTAL | The labour total (Cost price) |
###2QMSUBTOTAL | The material subtotal (Cost price) |
###2QMMARKUP | The material mark up percentage (Cost price) |
###2QMTOTAL | The material total (Cost price) |
###2QSTAXRATE | The sales tax rate (Cost price) |
###2QSTAX | The sales tax amount (Cost price) |
###2GST | The defined Goods and Services Tax rate (GST on Cost Price) |
###2Tax | The GST amount (on the Cost Price) |
###2JobTotal | The Total Job cost (Cost Price) |
###2TotalExTax | The Total Job cost excluding tax (Cost Price) |
###2TotalIncTax | The Total Job cost including tax (Cost Price) |
###2LabTAX | The labour tax rate |
###2LabIncTAX | The Total Labour cost including tax (Labour Cost) |
###2LabExTAX | The Total Labour cost excluding tax (Labour Cost) |
— | |
###2WLLABSIDING | Wall Labour amount |
###2WLLABEXTCNR | Wall external corner labour amount |
###2WLLABINTCNR | Wall internal corner labour amount |
###2WLLABWINDOWSILL | Wall window sill labour amount |
###2WLLABWINDOWEDGE | Wall window edge labour amount |
###2WLLABWINDOWHEAD | Wall window head labour amount |
###2WLLABDOOREDGE | Wall door edge labour amount |
###2WLLABDOORHEAD | Wall door head labour amount |
###2WLLABWALLTOP | Wall door top labour amount |
###2WLLABWALLBASE | Wall base labour amount |
— | |
###2COSTINGDETAILSTABLE | The costing details table full format no tax is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. (Cost Price) |
###2COSTINGDETAILSTABLE1 | This is the same as the costing details table above, but only reports the category, description and quantity and omits the costing fields. |
###2COSTINGDETAILSTABLE2 | The costing details table full format with tax is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. (Cost Price) |
###2CUTTINGLISTTABLE | The cutting list table is drawn with its top left corner at the origin of this text. Note that the width of the table is a fixed size. |
— | |
###2FIXTURELIST | The list of Fixture names in the job |
###2MISCLIST | The list of Miscellaneous items you selected for the job |
###2EXTRALIST | The list of Extras you selected for the job |
###2INSULLIST | The list of insulation types used in the job |
###2MEMBRANELIST | The list of flat roof membranes (single ply or BUR) used on the roof |
Costing Strings – Specific to Roof Wizard ‘Costing > Supply and Install’ Costing Method
Usually used in conjunction with a variety of the KTS in this list.
Key text string | Description |
###TotalExTax | The total quote excluding tax |
###SellPrice | The value equal to “My total (ex tax)” (Redundant String – use JobTotal) |
###JobTotal | Same as ###SellPrice – job total price (labour and materials, excluding tax) |
###GST | Percentage of total based on tax rate set in Tools > Preferences |
###TotalIncTax | Total quote including tax |
Section Report Strings
Section Report Strings are used to create separate metal cutting list reports for each roof plane.
They are only relevant to the Section Report function and only work in MS Word templates.
Key text string | Description |
###SectionReport | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with plane image and annotation, with waste and panel areas in table |
### SectionReport2 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with no roof plane image, with waste and panel areas in table |
### SectionReport3 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane without plane annotation, no waste or panel area in the table |
### SectionReport4 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with plane image and annotation, with waste and panel area in the table, includes section numbers. |
###SectionReportDir | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with plane image and annotation, with waste and panel areas in table, with the panels sorted in the direction of the panel, from small to large and back to small (such as on a hip end) and aggregates those panels of the same length.
### SectionReportDir2 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with no roof plane image, with waste and panel areas in table, with the panels sorted in the direction of the panel. |
### SectionReportDir3 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane without plane annotation, no waste or panel area in the table, with the panels sorted in the direction of the panel. |
### SectionReportDir4 | metal cutting list reports per roof plane with plane image and annotation, with waste and panel area in the table, includes section numbers, with the panels sorted in the direction of the panel. |
###FlashingTable | available for commercial roofing to display bend angle of flashing |
###FlashAccesstable | available for Commercial Roofing to display accessories and fasteners associated with trim and panels |
###ExtrasTable | displays any extras selected for the current estimate |
Note that the Section Report key text strings also displays the breakdown of the panels, shorter than the minimum length combined to make longer lengths as shown here, where the 15’1″ panel is made up of 1/7’2″, 1/6’2″ and 1/1’9″.
This is done to reduce packing and for ease of handling.
Line Item Key Text Strings
Line items are values generated by the software and displayed in the Reporting > Supply Only or Supply and Install dialog box.
Using Line Items is a standard function of the software and is typically used to extract values for your reports based on calculated values using the Line Items where the value will vary with each job and quotation calculation.
For Word or Excel based report templates only:
For Line Item calculations to be determined in a report by the software (for Word or Excel based report templates only), the key text string for that Line Item must be preceded by two ## signs. This is a variation on the use of the # signs for the AppliCad CAD based reports where three # signs are used. This is to ensure that the right calculation is being used in the right report.
##LI string search not only looks for the whole category, but also searches for a substring within the category also.
These text strings mimic the values in the costing dialog box. More exactly, they mimic the LineItem records in the grim file. This kind of text string is in the form:
##LI _<LineItemCategory>_<subcategory>_<LineNumber>
where <LineitemCategory> is the category you see in the costing dialog
and <subcategory> is one of SUP, CODE, PRO, FIN, QTY, RATE, TOT, DISC, SUB, COL
where SUP = Supplier; CODE = Product Code; PRO = Profile; FIN = Finish; QTY = Quantity; RATE = Cost; TOT = Total; DISC = Discount; SUB = Sub -Total; COL = Colour.
and <LineNumber> finds the instance of that category in the event that you have multiple line items of the same category.
For example, the Key Text String (KTS) ##LI_Roof Tiles_Qty_1 represents the code of the roof tiles category will insert that line item’s details into the required report.
So the key text string in the Word or Excel template would look like this – ##LI_Roof tiles_Qty_1
##<LI>(for line item)space<Category>(of Material)_(underscore)<Qty>(for quantity of material)_(underscore)<LineNumber>
An example of fascia quantities with different fascia items in the material list:
if you have three different fascia types on the same job as standard.
Another example for quantity of tile ridge and hip accessories might be,
for the CAD file report template format:
%CALC[###LI Ridge Tiles_Qty + ###LI Hip Tiles_Qty]:0
and for the Word/Excel file report template format:
%CALC[##LI_Ridge Tiles_Qty + ##LI_Hip Tiles_Qty]:0
The CAD versions you use three #, whereas for the Word/Excel version you use 2 #’s. With the Word and Excel versions, you also need to use an underscore after the LI to differentiate the actual word from an instruction.
The structure for Word/Excel is:
##LI_<Category>_<Sub-Category>_<Line-Number> where the use of the underscore between each element in the key text string is essential.
Category | Sub-Category | Line-No |
COVER (roof cover material) FLASHFITT (flashing or fittings) ACCESS (accessories) FAST (fasteners) SEARCH (anything) |
MAN (manufacturer) SUP (supplier) DESC (description) QTY (quantity) RATE (cost rate per item) SUB (sub-total cost) DISC (discount) TOT (total cost) CODE (product code) FULL DESC (product description) FIN (finish) GAUGE (base metal thickness) |
The line number required from the list displayed in the ‘Costing’ screen. |
The syntax for the use of the ##LI_SEARCH function is typically as shown below, used in this example to find an additional freight charge in the list of line items:
Additional Freight Charge $##LI_SEARCH(FRGHT)_Sub_1
This KTS searched for the category FRGHT anywhere in the list of items under Costing and returns the Sub-Total of the first ‘FRGHT’ item in your list. The text ‘Additional Freight Charge’ and the ‘$’ sign complete the entry in the report. The search term can be the whole or unique part of the category text.
Further examples of the use of these strings in your template might be:
Cover – Product Code | Description | Quantity |
##LI_Cover_Code_1 ##LI_Cover_Code_2 ##LI_Cover_Code_3Etc. |
##LI_Cover_Desc_1 ##LI_Cover_Desc_2 ##LI_Cover_Desc_3Etc. |
##LI_Cover_Qty_1 ##LI_Cover_Qty_2 ##LI_Cover_Qty_3Etc. |
Flashing – Product Code | Description | Quantity |
##LI_Flashing_Code_1 ##LI_Flashing_Code_2Etc. |
##LI_Flashing_Desc_1 ##LI_Flashing_Desc_2Etc. |
##LI_Flashing_Qty_1 ##LI_Flashing_Qty_2Etc. |
Where the cover material product code, the description and the quantity for three different cover materials on the job cost summary are shown in your report, followed by two types of flashing.
You can go further as indicated by this example:
This in your template –
results in this in your report –
Yes, this roof would look like a circus tent with all these different colour trims, but you get the idea.
This may take a little set up and testing to get right, but worth the effort as it streamlines so much of the ‘hack’ work of generating quotations and job reports.
Make sure that every entry is tested thoroughly on your standard test job once completed.
Note: we changed the tiles database (between V8 and V9) to have tile accessories and then had to decide on new category names for these items used the Accessory Name as the category name and thus Ridge Tiles accessory name went to category Ridge Tiles etc.
Irrespective of all the above, don’t forget you can always take the product code of any item and add it to AltCategories.CSV to have the Category name overwritten with something else. This is why, as we have been working through the code over the years, we have endeavoured to add product codes to all the items that were missing them. The Tile Accessories and Downpipe structures all changed at this time to allow product codes to be added to the accessory items.
Inline Calculations with Key Text Strings
You can embed key text string values into a text string as a calculation.
Note – not all Key Text Strings are ‘real’ numbers and as such, cannot be used in a %CALC expression. For example, ###PanelLens will provide the lengths of multiple panels in a job, so the %CALC will not know how to handle the result of this KTS in the expression.
The format of a calculation string is –
%CALC [<expression>]:<precision>
%CALC is a key word stating that a calculation exists
[..] the brackets which encompass the expression,
<expression> the expression might be – 2*###TotalIncTax +100
: a colon separating the expression and the precision
<precision> the number of decimal places you want to display
For example, to add 10% to the total price for a job, the total price for you is –
%CALC [###totalinctax + ###totalinctax / 10]:2
If the ###totalinctax amount was 3000, then the amount reported above would be 3300. These calculations are also valid if they are in a Grim Template File too.
Quite complex calculations may be made, for example:
Bal 12.5 to 29 Included:
$%CALC[(###TotalIncTax*1)+(###RidgeLen+###HipLen+###FasciaBargeLen+(###ValleyLen*2)+###FasciaLen)*2.50*((###QMMARKUP/100)+1)]:0 Inc GST
Anticon 55 Included:
$%CALC [(###TotalIncTax * 1)+(###RoofArea*5)]:0 Inc GST
The text $ at the front and ‘Inc GST‘ is not part of the calculation, it is to complete the correct display of the result. These will look like this on your template…
and display/print like this on your report…
Try a few options that suit your own requirements. Don’t be concerned if the formula doesn’t fit the space – so long as the answer fits the available space, you will be OK.
Another useful example of this is if you want to get the material waste for a metal roof to display on your report. There is no specific KTS for this output, but you can get the desired result by using this calculation:
%CALC[((###SheetArea-###RoofArea)/###SheetArea)*100]:2 %
Add the % symbol at the end to complete the correct display. As you can see, if the information is available, you can use it.
Another useful example is taking the information contained in the Costing dialog and using it to display cost per square…
These are the values in the dialog:
These are the established Key Text Strings:
This is the result:
This is a very powerful set of functions for detailing your quotations, office costing and inventory etc.
Note – not all Key Text Strings are ‘real’ numbers and as such, cannot be used in a %CALC expression. For example, ###PanelLens will provide the lengths of multiple panels in a job, so the %CALC will not know how to handle the result of this KTS in the expression.
Roof Plan on CAD Templates
To have the roof plan inserted onto a CAD template you must draw a diagonal line that sets the extents of the roof plan picture on either layer 999 or layer 990. Layer 999 draws the roof plan; layer 990- draws a flashing drawing.
NB – This is not the same process used to get a roof plan into a MS Word template.
Refer to the section that describes editing CAD templates for more details.
- Supply Only
- Supply and Install
- Report Templates – MS Word
- Report Templates – CAD
- Nett Only
- Multi GRIM Out
- Key Text Strings
- GRIM File Import/Export
- Fascia and Gutter
- Drawings
- Data File Formats and Data Structures