Define Report Notes and Print Options

More… > Define Report Notes

This option allows the operator to define a series of standard notes that may be called as required when the report is generated.   The Define Notes function may be selected from Tools > More > Define Report Notes or it may be selected by selecting the [Notes] button on the Supply Only or Supply and Install dialog, then select the [Add] button.

The [Add] button adds a new report note. Select the [Add] button and the edit dialog is displayed.

Type what ever extra information you wish to appear on your report under this note heading.   Add the required text and select [OK]. The note information is written to a text file called Notes.dat.

Select [OK] and you will be prompted for a note label for the note list.

The new note is added to the list, and is now available for regular use.


Edit button allows you to edit the content of the note.

Delete button deletes a previously defined note.


The information is written to a text file called Notes.dat and is in the form shown below.

It may be quicker to create the notes in Wordpad or Notepad following this structure. The Notes.dat file must be saved in the ..\User folder and is in the form as shown below:

GST Included
All prices quoted on this quotation contain GST (10%).
GST Excluded
All prices quoted on this quotation are exclusive of GST (10%).
No CleanUp Included
Rubbish removal and general site cleanup are not included in this quotation. For a separate quotation on site cleanup, or to have this included on the quotation, please contact us.
CleanUp Included
This quotation also includes all cleanup of rubbish produced on the site, as well as the removal of this rubbish.
Standard Inclusions
All standard inclusions apply, including the following: –
Temporary Downpipes
Temporary downpipes must be installed on this job.



Including the Notes in your Reports

To ensure that the note appears on your template,  a ###QQnote key-text-string must be added to your report template.   Refer to the section on templates for how you edit your templates, whether a CAD template or a Word/Excel template.

Once added, then the relevant note will appear on that form automatically. When the note is formatted on the report, line breaks you typed are ignored since the notes will span the “text width” value of the ###QQnote text entity (CAD template) or the text box (Word/Excel). If you want to force a line break, you must use the ^ (carot) character.


Standard Notes on standard CAD Report – Tax Invoice 1 or Tax Invoice 2 –
If you print standard CAD Report Types 12 or 13 (Tax Invoice 1 or Tax Invoice 2), the software stops to ask you what you want it to say on the Invoice report and this is the dialog that is displayed.  The text strings come from the file TaxInvoiceNotes.txt and can be modified in Wordpad or Notepad to say whatever you want them to say on your invoice(s).

The following dialog box is displayed when you select either of the Tax Invoice reports:


Define Print Options

(Pulldown menu only)

This option allows you to pre-set the reports that you usually print for a regular quotation or estimate.