Contents [hide]
- 1 Data File Formats and Data Structures
- 1.1 Compinfo.dat
- 1.2 Sheeting.csv
- 1.3 SheetAccessories.csv
- 1.4 Flashing_V6.csv
- 1.5 Fasten_V6.csv
- 1.6 Access2.csv
- 1.7 Areas.dat
- 1.8 Colours.dat
- 1.9 Curving.csv
- 1.10 Downpipe_V6.csv
- 1.11 DPAccess.csv
- 1.12 EdgeAss.csv
- 1.13 Extras_V6.csv
- 1.14 Insul.csv
- 1.15 SgroupLink.csv
- 1.16 JobPrompts.dat
- 1.17 Scales.dat
- 1.18 TileAccess.csv
- 1.19 Other Miscellaneous Data files
- 1.20 QuoteGroups.csv
- 1.21 UserDrawingNames.csv
- 1.22 UserReportNames.csv
Data File Formats and Data Structures
This section describes all the data files, what they are used for and how to set them up. You can use an editor such as Wordpad.exe or Notepad to edit them, however, because the format is compatible with Microsoft’s Excel program and other spreadsheet software, you may prefer to edit them there. The huge advantage of editing in a spreadsheet program is the ability to make global changes to things like prices etc.
Most of these files are automaticaly created by the software and many of these files is can be edited outside the Roof Wizard (with caution as errors can seriously mess with the operation of the software).
Keep in mind commands have been provided under the Set-Up options to help you edit these files efficiently from within the Roof Wizard software. If you are not competent or confident with using the spreadsheet program, stick with editing the files from within the Roof Wizard software. You can then rely on the result working properly when you’re finished editing the information.
This is the datafile containing your company specific details. You can use Wordpad.exe or Notepad.exe to edit it, or use Job-Info > Company to change it on-line. Compinfo.dat is printed below
Company name Company address 1 Company address 2 Company phone Company fax Company note 1 Company note 2 Company ACN Company ABN CompanyNotes Note that you can also have details stored for multiple companies that you might do estimating for in your group. You can set up a file called MultiCompany.DAT. More details below.
This file contains all the sheeting data for all suppliers. It contains both straight profiles and curved profiles. A sample appears below
;Sheet definition file for Roof Wizard Supplier, Corrugated, SS001, Color, F1265HT17, 6, 280, 0.48, 1, 10.00, 10.00,0, 0 ... ... Supplier, Curve Quality, CQ60ZA, Zincalume, FP1265HT17, 6, 762, 0.60, 1, 18.29, 18.29, 0, 0 END
Format for Sheeting
Field 1 name of the supplier [25]
Field 2 Profile of the material. It can be anything, except if it starts with the key word “Curve” then it will be listed as a curve quality sheet [25]
Field 3 Your internal code for this product for reporting purposes
Field 4 The finish of this sheet. It is one of Colour, Zincalume or Galvanized. If it is colour, coloured, color or col, painted, then you will assign the actual color during run-time [25]
Field 5 Fastener code. This is the code of the default fastener. It must match a fastener code in fasten.dat which contains more information about this fastener
Field 6 The default number of fasteners per square metre.
Field 7 The effective coverage of the sheet in mm
Field 8 The base metal thickness. This has no direct impact.
Field 9 The pricing method. This is 1 if the following price is per square meter, or 2 if the following price is per linear metre
Field 10 Cost per unit based on the previous field
Field 11 Currently not used
Field 12 The minimum length to order of this sheet
Field 13 The maximum length for this sheet
If you set the maximum length of sheet to 0 (zero), then there is no maximum length.
Field 14 The Allowance file settings for the selected panel. The allowance file is created when you define allowances under Estimate > Allowances and save the settings for a specific panel type.
Field 15 The roof Substrate configuration options for this panel (used in Commercial Mode only) eg Open Frame,Wood Deck,Steel Deck. All options should appear in the cell in Excel, no spaces.
Field 16 The roof System configuration option for this panel (used in Commercial Mode only) eg High,Low. All options should appear in the cell in Excel, no spaces.
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
This file contains the accessory items for the installation of roof panels/sheeting such as clips, screws, butyl tape etc. It is selected from the Setup > Define Panels input dialog.
Format for Sheeting Accessories
Field 1 Accessory name [25]
Field 2 Product Code
Field 3 Finish
Field 4 Items per box
Field 5 Cost per box
Field 6 Number/Distance
Field 7 Estimation Method (described below)
Field 8 Material or Labour accessory (Material = 0, Labour = 1)
The Product Code is the key to accessory items being associated with the defined panel.
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
The estimation code in the CSV file for MATERIAL ITEMS refers to the following table:
0 Not estimated
1 Per Unit Area
2 Spaced along Panel
3 Per Join
4 Per Panel
5 Per Intersection with Batten/Purlin
6 Per m in Zone (Field Zone)
7 Per m in Zone (Edge Zone)
8 Per m in Zone (Corner Zone)
The estimation code in the CSV file for LABOUR ITEMS refers to the following table:
50 Not estimated
51 Per Unit Area
52 Spaced along Panel
53 Per Join
54 Per Panel
55 Per Intersection with Batten/Purlin
56 Per m in Zone (Field Zone)
57 Per m in Zone (Edge Zone)
58 Per m in Zone (Corner Zone)
This file contains all the flashing data. It also contains information about user defined lengths such as ‘vermin proofing‘ or ‘nail-strip‘.
The file must have END at the last line.
The software data structure allows for a maximum of 5000 unique flashing items to be defined.
If you are updating from a pre-version 5.8 software this file is created automatically from the old version of the file called Flashing.csv. The difference is an extra column for material ‘Gauge’.
Format for Flashings
Field 1 The name of the supplier [25]
Field 2 The type of flashing based on a code – see below [25]
Field 3 A description of the flashing profile [100]
Field 4 Your product code (typically the code used by your supplier so that the order forms are meaningful to them) [25]
Field 5 The finish of this flashing. It is one of Color, Zincalume or Galvanized. If it is Color, then you will assign the actual color during run-time [25]
Field 6 Fastener code. This is the code of the default fastener. It must match a fastener code in fasten.dat which contains more information about this fastener [25]
Field 7 The default number of fasteners per metre.
Field 8 The maximum length of this flashing
Field 9 Material Gauge [25]
Field 10 The costing method for this flashing 1 – per length, 2 – per metre
Field 11 The cost per unit
Field 12 The estimation method 0 – 4 – see below
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
Flashing ‘Type’ Codes
These codes where you need the flashing item to appear in all lists according to the description:
These codes for regular flashing categories according to the description:
Format for User Defined Lengths (Type Code 9)
User defined lengths still use the same format of the flashing record as described above, but some fields have a different meaning. A sample appears below:
Supplier, 9, Bird wire, , , , ,0.60, ,0.10, Supplier, 9, Infill strip, , , , ,0.70, ,0.20, Supplier, 9, Leaf guard, , , , ,0.80, ,0.30,
Field 1 The name of the supplier [25]
Field 2 Must be ‘U’ for User defined
Field 3 A description of the length (eg Bird wire, leaf guard) [25]
Field 4 Not used
Field 5 Not used
Field 6 Not used
Field 7 Not used
Field 8 Cost per meter for the material
Field 9 Not used
Field 10 Cost per meter to install (labor charge)
Field 11 Not used
Flashing Estimation Methods
Method 0 Each run is split into equal length pieces up to the maximum length
Method 1 Each run is split into a number of maximum length pieces
Method 2 All runs are added and then split into a number of maximum length pieces
Method 3 Each run is split into a number of stock length pieces
Method 4 All runs are added and are split into stock length pieces
You will recall the flashing lengths are affected by the values you have set in the Estimate > Allowances dialog box.
This file contains all the fastener data:
; Fastener definition file for Roof Wizard ;Supplier, Size, Description, Code, Items per unit cost, Not used, Plain cost, Color cost Supplier, 12x65, Hex Head type 17, F1265HT17, 1000, 0, 166.98, 192.46 END
Format for Fasteners
Field 1 The name of the supplier [25]
Field 2 The size of the fastener [25]
Field 3 A description [25]
Field 4 A unique product code [25]
Field 5 Product Finish [25]
Field 6 Number of fasteners per box
Field 7 Type – mechanical, liquid or roll (0 – mechanical, 1- liquid, 2 – roll)
Field 8 Cost per box for fasteners
Field 9 Unused
Remember that the fastener product code is the primary key for sheeting and flashing to find the correct fastener information. Compared to the old Fasten.csv file, the cost is for each product type and every product needs a unique product code. So the the different pricing for painted or plain became redundent, so Field 9 is now unused. Users may notice vakues in these fileds if you imported an old Fasten file. Any values in this column are ignored.
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
This is a redundent file, no longer used, but may be found in the ..\User folder on your PC from earlier installs. This file has been superceded by Fasten_V6.csv.
This file contains all the fastener data:
; Fastener definition file for Roof Wizard ;Supplier, Size, Description, Code, Items per unit cost, Not used, Plain cost, Color cost Supplier, 12x65, Hex Head type 17, F1265HT17, 1000, 0, 166.98, 192.46 END
Format for Fasteners
Field 1 The name of the supplier [25]
Field 2 The size of the fastener [25]
Field 3 A description [25]
Field 4 A unique product code [25]
Field 5 Product Finish [25]
Field 6 Number of fasteners per box
Field 7 Type – mechanical, liquid or roll (0 – mechanical, 1- liquid, 2 – roll)
Field 8 Cost per box for plain fasteners (zinc or galv)
Field 9 Cost per box for coloured fasteners
Remember that the fastener product code is the primary key for sheeting and flashing to find the correct fastener information.
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
This is a redundent file, no longer used, but may be found in the ..\User folder on your PC from earlier installs. This file has been superceded by Access2.csv.
Replaces data files Access.dat and provides the data for all flashing and trim accessories. It is a different format from Access.dat.
Note: There is a maximum limit of 2000 unique accessory line items in the list.
;Accessory data file for Sorcerer / Roof Wizard / Roof Magician,,,,,,,,,,,, ;Flashing supplier, Flashing code (primary key) , Finish, Name, Code, fastener code for timber, fastener code for steel, Number of fasteners per item, Items per box, cost per item, Estimation mode, Number per unit length, Gauge Stratco,VFM,Zinc,Concealed Bkt,VFMGPB,,,0,1,1.61,1,900,2 Stratco,VFM,Zincalume,Downpipe Drop,DPUniversal,,,0,1,4.87,1,12000,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Spring Clip,SFS,,,0,1,0.84,0,1000,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Overstrap,VFMST8,,,0,1,1.47,0,1200,2 Stratco,VFM,,Internal Quad Corner,IQC90,,,0,1,5,0,1,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Concealed Bkt,VFMGPB,,,0,1,1.61,0,900,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Downpipe Drop,DPUniversal,,,0,1,4.87,1,12000,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Spring Clip,SFS,,,0,1,0.84,0,1000,2 Stratco,VFM,ZA,Overstrap,VFMST8,,,0,1,1.47,0,1200,2 Stratco,VFM,Colour,Internal Quad Corner,IQC90,,,0,1,5,0,1,2 ... ... ... Hamilton Roofing,VFM 1,colour,External Cnr,ec,,,0,1,5,53,1,2 Stratco,VFM 1,Zinc,Concealed Bkt,VFMGPB,,,0,1,1.61,0,900,2 Stratco,VFM 1,Zincalume,Downpipe Drop,DPUniversal,,,0,1,4.87,1,12000,2 Stratco,VFM 1,ZA,Spring Clip,SFS,,,0,1,0.84,1,1000,2 Stratco,VFM 1,ZA,Overstrap,VFMST8,,,0,1,1.47,1,1200,2 Stratco,VFM 1,,Internal Quad Corner,IQC90,,,0,1,5,0,1,2 Stratco,VFM 1,ZA,Concealed Bkt,VFMGPB,,,0,1,1.61,0,900,2 END
The ‘END’ is essential and indicates the last line of the file.
Format for Accessories
Field 1 The supplier of the flashing accessory [25]
Field 2 The product code for the associated flashing [25]
A number “1” in column 2 of a primary flashing product code, (VFM 1) in the example above, means it is a Fascia with Gutter accessory, or Gutter with Fascia accessory, for F&G acessories.
No ‘1’ = Gutter Only Accessories
With ‘1’ = Gutter w Fascia Accessories
No ‘1’ = Fascia Only Accessories
With ‘1’ = Fascia w Gutter Accessories
This is added automatically by the software when the file is created.
Field 3 Finish [25]
Field 4 The name of the accessory [25]
Field 5 The product code of the flashing accessory [25]
Field 6 Fastener code for timber frame
Field 7 Fastener code for steel frame
Field 8 Number of fasteners per accessory
Field 9 Number of accessories per box
Field 10 The cost per box
Field 11 The estimation code for this accessory
Field 12 The number of accessories based on estimation code
Field 13 Gauge of material
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
The estimation code (Field 11) in the CSV file for MATERIAL ITEMS refers to the following table:
0 Not estimated
1 spacing along flashing (nett)
2 per internal corner (90)
3 per external corner (90)
4 per internal corner (135)
5 per external corner (135)
6 per internal corner (other)
7 per external corner (other)
8 per left hand end
9 per right hand end
10 per join
11 per apex
12 per run
13 per piece
14 fastener for timber frame
15 fastener for steel frame
16 per bottom joined end left
17 per bottom joined end right
18 per bottom free end left
19 per bottom free end right
20 per top joined end internal
21 per top joined end external
22 per top free end left
23 per top free end right
24 spacing for fascia as barge
25 per bottom joined left internal
26 per bottom joined left external
27 per bottom joined right internal
28 per bottom joined right external
29 per intersection with Batten1
30 per intersection with Batten2
31 per intersection with User1
32 per intersection with User2
33 per intersection with User3
34 per intersection with User4
35 per Hip Apex
36 per intersection with Panel Edge
The estimation code (Field 11) in the CSV file for LABOUR ITEMS refers to the following table:
50 Not estimated
51 spacing along flashing (nett)
52 per internal corner (90)
53 per external corner (90)
54 per internal corner (135)
55 per external corner (135)
56 per internal corner (other)
57 per external corner (other)
58 per left hand end
59 per right hand end
60 per join
61 per apex
62 per run
63 per piece
64 fastener for timber frame
65 fastener for steel frame
66 per bottom joined end left
67 per bottom joined end right
68 per bottom free end left
69 per bottom free end right
70 per top joined end internal
71 per top joined end external
72 per top free end left
73 per top free end right
74 spacing for fascia as barge
75 per bottom joined left internal
76 per bottom joined left external
77 per bottom joined right internal
78 per bottom joined right external
This file contains all the delivery area data as used by the Job-Info Job-Details command.
;names of delivery areas for roof wizard ;you can have up to 10 of them; Metro Outer 1 Outer 2 Outer 3 Outer 4 Country North South East West
You can edit these names as you wish.
This file contains all the metal panel/sheet color names.
; List of colours for sheet metal in Roof Wizard TBA Bushland Classic Cream Cottage Green Deep Ocean Dune Headland Ironstone Jasper Manor Red Night Sky Pale Eucalypt Paperbark Plantation Sandbark Shale Grey Surfmist Shale Grey Wilderness Windspray Woodland Grey END
These are the list of colours displayed when you want to set the color for the roof sheeting or flashings. You can have any number of them.
This file contains all the sheet curving charges.
; Sheet curving charges definition file for Roof Wizard ; Supplier, Profile, Product code, FromLength, ToLength, Cost per curve Supplier, Curve Quality,CURV0035,0,3.5,10.34 Supplier, Curve Quality,CURV03570,3.51,7.0,17.23 Supplier, Curve Quality,CURV07010,7.01,10.0,21.24 Supplier, Curve Quality,CURV1013,10.01,13,42.74 END
The curving calculation is based on the length of the sheet which needs to be curved.
Format for Sheet Curving
Field 1 The name of the supplier
Field 2 The key string “Curve Quality”
Field 3 Your internal code
Field 4 The “from” length
Field 5 The “to” length
Field 6 The cost to curve this length sheet
The Calculation Method
The cost to curve a sheet is based on the length of the sheet falling in a length range.
For example, the cost to curve sheets which are from 3.5 meters long to 7.0 meters long may be a fixed value. So, a sheet 4.0 long would cost the same to curve as one 6.7 meters long.
When Roof Wizard calculates the total curving change (which you’ll see on the Costing Supply dialog box if a bullnose verandah is present), it measures the overall length of the sheet, finds the relevant supplier name, finds the correct length range record and then adds the particular cost’.
If you don’t want to apply these charges, set the cost to zero.
This is a redundent file, no longer used, but may be found in the ..\User folder on your PC from earlier installs. This file has been superceded by Downpipe2.csv.
This file contains all the downpipe data up to V6.0 only.
; Downpipe definition file for Roof Wizard ; ;Pipes Supplier, R,100x50, 0.40,DP1810050--,Colour,1800,2400,17.24 ;Straps Supplier,RS,100x50,0,AST10050,0,1.43,1.43,1.64 ; Pops Supplier,RP,100x50,0,NOZ10050,0,1.78,1.78,1.78 ;Offsets Sample supplier,RO,100x50,0.40,OS10050,0,25.67,25.67,37.53 ; Shoes Supplier,RH,100x50,0,SHOE10050,0,14.10,14.10,14.10 ; Elbows Supplier,RE,100x50,0,ELB10050GA,Galvanised,0,14.10 END
Format for Downpipe
Field 1 The name of the supplier
Field 2 The type of downpipe item – see below
Field 3 The size of the item as a rectangle or diameter
Field 4 base material thickness
Field 5 Product code
Field 6 The finish, one of Zincalume, Galvanized or Colorbond
Field 7 The long pipe length
Field 8 The shorter pipe length
Field 9 The cost of this item
Downpipe Accessory Types
R A rectangular pipe
O A round pipe
RS a rectangular strap
RP A rectangular pop
RO A rectangular offset
RH A rectangular shoe
RE A rectangular elbow
OS a round strap
OP A round pop
OO A round offset
OH A round shoe
OE A round elbow
A downpipe will build up its accessory list, by first looking for rectangular or round accessories. Then it will match the relevant size of each of the accessories to match that of the main pipe.
This is a redundent file, no longer used, but may be found in the ..\User folder on your PC from earlier installs. This file has been superceded by Downpipe2.csv. This file contained extra downpipe data.
;Downpipe2 data file ; product code of the downpipe, product code for the short piece, cost for the short piece. DP2410050GA,DP1810050GA,7.43 DP2410050ZA,DP1810050ZA,6.32 END
Format for Downpipe
Field 1 The code of the downpipe as a key
Field 2 The code of the shorter piece
Field 3 The cost of the shorter piece
This file contains all the downpipe data.
;Supplier,Description,Gauge,Finish,Prod. Code 1, Length 1, Cost 1, Prod. Code 2, Length 2, Cost 2, Est. Method, Alt. Category Steeline,200,0.560000,C/B,R/200/C,2400.000000,0.000000,,0.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Steeline,150,0.550000,C/B,R/150/C,2400.000000,0.000000,,0.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Steeline,100 x 50,0.450000,Z/A,DSR/0.45/100/50/2400/ZA,2400.000000,0.000000,,1800.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Steeline,100 x100,0.450000,C/B,DSR/0.45/100/75/2400/CB,2400.000000,0.000000,,1800.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Steeline,100 x100,0.450000,Z/A,DSR/0.45/100/75/2400/ZA,2400.000000,0.000000,,0.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Corowa Plumbing,150mm,0.550000,Stainless Steel,Stainless Steel,2400.000000,0.000000,,0.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Corowa Plumbing,75mm,1.500000,UPVC,UPVC,6000.000000,0.000000,,6000.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Corowa Plumbing,225mm,2.000000,UPVC,0,6000.000000,0.000000,,0.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe Steeline,90mm,0.450000,C/B,DCR/90/2400/CB,2400.000000,0.000000,,1800.000000,0.000000,0,D Pipe END
Format for Downpipe
Field 1 The name of the supplier
Field 2 The type of downpipe item – see below
Field 3 Gauge (or base metal thickness) of downpipe material
Field 4 Finish of downpipe material
Field 5 Product code 1
Field 6 Length 1
Field 7 Cost of downpipe length 1
Field 8 Product code 2
Field 9 Length 2
Field 10 Cost of downpipe length 2
Field 11 Estimation Method
Field 12 Alternate category (for costing purposes)
This file contains all the downpipe accessory data. The definitions are linked to each respective downpipe by virtue of the downpipe product code eg the DSR/0.45/100/50/2400/CB shown above (in the downpipe file) and below (in the downpipe accessory file)
It is in the form of:
;Description,Code,Gauge,Finish,Items per Box,Cost,No. per Est. Method,Est. Method,Mat. = 0 / Lab. = 1 R/150/C,150 Dropper,DP/150/ZA,0.550000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,2,0 Strap,DP/A/150/C,0.550000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,2400.000000,1,0 Offset,DP/150/600,0.550000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,3,0 Boot,,0.550000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 Elbow,,0.550000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 ; DSR/0.45/100/50/2400/ZA,100 x 50 Dropper,DP/100/50/Za,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,1.240000,1.000000,2,0 Strap,DSC/100/50/ZA,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,1.260000,1200.000000,1,0 Offset,Up To 600mm,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,2.590000,450.000000,3,0 Boot,,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 Elbow,,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 ; DSR/0.45/100/50/2400/CB,100 x 50 Dropper,DP/100/50/Za,0.450000,C/B,1.0,2.120000,1.000000,2,0 Strap,DSC/100/50/C,0.450000,C/B,1.0,1.120000,1200.000000,1,0 Offset,Up To 600mm,0.450000,C/B,1.0,3.120000,300.000000,3,0 Boot,,0.450000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 Elbow,,0.450000,C/B,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 ; DSR/0.45/100/75/2400/ZA,100 x 75 Dropper,DP/100/75/Za,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,2,0 Strap,DSC/100/75/ZA,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1200.000000,1,0 Offset,Up To 600mm,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,450.000000,3,0 Boot,,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 Elbow,,0.450000,Z/A,1.0,0.000000,1.000000,4,0 ;
For each downpipe definition, a list of accessories are defined in the form of:
Description – Description of the accessory
Code – the product code for the accessory (the same accessory might be used on multiple downpipes)
Gauge – base metal thickness or gauge of the item
Finish – finish of the item such as painted, or galvalume etc
Items per Box – if they are supplied as multiple items in a box, otherwise just one item
Cost – cost for that item or box of items
No. per Est. Method – this relates to the downpipe, per length or per downpipe item
Est. Method – 0 – Not estimated, 1 – Spaced Along the Downpipe, 2 – Per DP, 3 – Per DP (Offset), 4 – Optional (included), 5 – Optional (Excluded), 6 – Per Join
Material cost item = 0 / Labour cost item = 1
All details pertaining to the use of flashings combined to become an assembly are saved in this file. For Non-Commercial mode, this is all that is created. Assembly Groups may also be created when in Commercial mode and the links for these groups is saved in the SgroupLink.csv file (see below). This file would not normally be edited outside of the program.
Extras.csv (Redundent)
This file contains all the costing extras data up to V6.0 only. These values are added to the material costs, or the labor costs when you perform the costing. You will see them added to the line items under Costing Supply-Only and Costing Supply+Install.
; Standard extras data file for Roof Wizard. Material delivery charge,1,10,1 Travel Time,1,20,0 Site allowance,1,500,0 Chimneys,2,10,1 Second storey,1,100,1 END
Format for Extras
Field 1 The name of the extra item
Field 2 The default quantity
Field 3 The default cost
Field 4 determines if it is a material item (0) or a labor item (1).
Misc.csv (Redundent)
This file contains all the miscellaneous hardware items which can be added to a quote by clicking the Misc-Item button on the Costing dialog – up to V7.1 only, thereafter, Miscellaneous items were merged with the Extra items list.
; Man, Description, qty, cost Sample supplier,Tube of silicon,1,5.05 Sample supplier,Claw hammer,2,6.07 END
Field 1 The name of the supplier
Field 2 A description
Field 3 default number of units
Field 4 default cost per unit
This file contains pricing data for any and all the extra items that may be required on a roof or wall quotation. These values are added to the material costs, or the labor costs when you perform the costing. You will see them added to the line items under Costing Supply-Only and Costing Supply+Install. They include the option to have the item added automatically or be prompted to add them, or simply selected from the list as required providing total flexibility for inclusion of miscellaneous sundry items that comprise a detailed quotation.
;New V8.1 Extras File ;Supplier, Description, Code, Mat. Qty, Mat. Cost, Lab. Qty, Lab. Cost, Category, Est. Method, Type, Utilisation Jonda,Box Gutter Bk 250mm-450mm,ABG/250/450/1,0.000000,5.780000,0.000000,4.550000,Misc,0,2,1 Jonda,Box Gutter Bk 400mm-650mm,ABG/400/650/2,0.000000,6.900000,0.000000,4.550000,Misc,0,2,1 Jonda,Box Gutter Bk 650mm-1000mm,ABG/650/1000/3,0.000000,9.730000,0.000000,4.550000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Support Board,IS/0.42/700/ZA,0.000000,14.110000,0.000000,4.550000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Sump 200 Z/a,GSP/200/200/100/ZA,0.000000,52.180000,0.000000,27.270000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Sump 300 Z/a,GSP/300/300/150/ZA,0.000000,65.790000,0.000000,27.270000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Sump 400 Z/a,GSP/400/400/200/ZA,0.000000,79.390000,0.000000,27.270000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Sumps 500 Z/a,GSP/500/500/250/ZA,0.000000,93.010000,0.000000,27.270000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Sumps 600 Z/a,GSP/600/600/300/ZA,0.000000,102.080000,0.000000,27.270000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Rainhead C/B,RHC/600/300/300/Cb,0.000000,250.000000,0.000000,50.000000,Misc,0,2,1 Steeline,Expansion Joint,Dektite Strip,0.000000,33.600000,0.000000,9.100000,Misc,0,2,1 Gardiner,Foam Strips CORRY 900mm,PEC,0.000000,2.600000,0.000000,0.500000,Misc,0,2,1 Gardiner,Foam Strips S/CLAD RIDGE 900mm,PER,0.000000,3.850000,0.000000,0.500000,Misc,0,2,1 Gardiner,Foam Strips S/CLAD EAVES 900mm,PEE,0.000000,2.900000,0.000000,0.500000,Misc,0,2,1 . . END
Format of Extras
Supplier – Supplier’s name, this will enable order forms to be automatically generated for each supplier [80]
Description – Extra item product description [80]
Code – Product code, this is important, it links all items to each other [80]
Mat. Qty/Dist – Material quantity or per unit distance along a line,
Mat. Cost – Material item cost,
Lab. Qty – An extra item may be labour or material. Labour as a unit in time,
Lab. Cost – Cost per unit,
Category – Alternate category for grouping Extra items in the output [80]
Est. Method – a range of options for calculating the cost per unit – including qty alone, qty by roof area, spaced along… etc,
Type – Material or labour cost or both in the one Extra item,
Utilisation – Always include in the estimate, Select from the list as required or be prompted as you create the estimate.
Note that some fields have a limited number of characters – indicated in the brackets eg [25].
This file contains all the insulation and sarking data used by the Cover > Insulation command.
;Insulation data file for Roof Wizard ;Supplier Product Description Code LargeSize SmallSize LargeCost SmallCost ; Sizes are in square metres Supplier, Alum Foil, Light grade anti-glare FR,LGAGFR,72,24,188.00,67.67 Insulco, Alum Foil,439/203 Light Grade Anti-Glare,ICFLAG,72,24,230.15,78.61 DummyCo, Dummy Foil, Dummy Description, DUMMCODE,50,10,100,20 END
Format for Insulation
Field 1 The name of the supplier
Field 2 A description
Field 3 The area of insulation in a large roll in square metres
Field 4 The area of insulation in a smaller roll size in square metres.
Field 5 The cost of a large roll
Field 6 The cost of a small roll
If you don’t have a small roll, then make the small roll size zero.
The linkages between metal panels and Assembly Groups are stored outside the software in a file called SgroupLink.CSV. This file can be modified manually in a text editor or MS Excel, although care must be taken to use the correct product code from the panel and the index of the Assembly Group.
This file contains the labels for the Job Details dialog box.
The Job Details screen may be used as supplied or it may be customised to collect your specific information, information that pertains to your particular line of work. The layout of the dialog doesn’t change. You change the label or delete a field from the dialog.
For example, if you’re involved in digitising aerial photographs you might edit the information contained in the dialog box so that it displays different labels against each field in the dialog. You create a text file in a text editor program that is called JOBPROMPTS.dat and in the following form:
Customer ###JobNumber <Delete> Project No. ###OrderNumber <Delete> Site Address ###JobAddress1 ###JobAddress2 Bing Address ###JobAddress3 <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> Latitude ###MapRef Longitude ###JobTerm <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> <Delete>
You get the standard dialog box changed to a new dialog box.
The values you enter will be automatically inserted onto the reports and drawings you create for the job using the standard key text strings as described below.
That is, in our example above, ‘Bing Address’ is the new label for the field ‘Job address line 3’ and the key text string for that is ###Jobadd3. Latitude is the new label for Map Reference and the key text string remains ###MapRef and Longitude is the new label for Term and the key text string is ###JobTerm.
Format for Job Prompts dialog
Customer ###JobNumber <Delete> Project No. ###OrderNumber <Delete> Site Address ###JobAddress1 ###JobAddress2 Bing Address ###JobAddress3 <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> Latitude ###MapRef Longitude ###JobTerm <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> <Delete> <Delete>
If you wish to remove a field from the dialog box, use <Delete> in the order where that field would have appeared.
If you don’t fill out those fields, then the information won’t be printed, so it needs to be filled in for each job, either at the start or sometime during the job.
It is not essential to fill in all fields if they do not apply to your business.
Any report or drawing that incorporates a picture of the roof, draws the roof to best fit between the extents of the diagonal line input on the template on layer 999. Refer to the section of the manual dealing with defining templates. The roof picture is further constrained by a ‘proper’ scale factor so that the picture may be compared with other drawings of known scale. For example the best fit across the page might be 1:187. This cannot be compared to anything useful, so the software automatically adjusts this scale to 1:200.
The range of scale options is defined in the software and these scales are 10; 20; 50;100; 125; 150; 175; and 200.
The operator may also define any other scale options. This is done by defining a series of scale values in a simple text file. The file must be called Scales.dat; it must be in the ..\User folder and be in the form of:
50 100 115 125 150 165 175 200 END
The word END at the bottom of the list is essential for it to work properly.
If using Microsoft Word to generate your reports, you may also have the roof picture included totally within the entire text box at what would essentially be a random scale and for this you use the Key Text String of ###UnscaledRoofDrawing.
Tiles.csv (Redundent)
Old format for tiles. No longer used. May be resident in the user folder from early installations.
This is the file for clay and concrete tiles and all associated accessory items. This may also be used to define metal ’tile’ and their accessories, as the estimation process is almost identical to regular tiles. The combination of Tiles_V6 and the TileAccess files makes the old Tiles+ format redundent. Note that the tile and the required accessory items are linked by their respective product codes.
In the format of –
;Supplier,Profile,Name,Material,Code,Coverage Area,Pieces per Bundle,Max. Coverage Len.,Min. Coverage Len.,Coverage Width,Tile Cost,Batten,Batten Qty,Fastener,Fastener Qty,Waste File MONIER,ELABANA,CONCRETE-E,CONCRETE,CONCRETE-E,11.000000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.160000,,0.000000,,0.000000, MONIER,TUDOR,CONCRETE-T,CONCRETE,CONCRETE-T,11.000000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.160000,,0.000000,,0.000000, MONIER,ATURA,CONCRETE-A,CONCRETE,CONCRETE-A,11.500000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.330000,,0.000000,,0.000000, MONIER,CENTURION,CONCRETE-C,CONCRETE,CONCRETE-CE,11.000000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.630000,,0.000000,,0.000000, MONIER,HORIZON,CONCRETE-H,CONCRETE,CONCRETE-H,11.500000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.470000,,0.000000,,0.000000, MONIER,GEORGIAN (C/T),CONCRETE-G (HUME),CONCRETE,CONCRETE-G,11.500000,1.000000,350.000000,300.000000,310.000000,1.430000,,0.000000,,0.000000, .....
This file is linked to the Tiles_V6.csv file as it contains the associated accessories for the tiles defined in Tiles_V6. The products are linked to the parent tile by the respective product codes, just as all product item are in the Roof Wizard software. So the first item in the group is the parent tile (in the example below BOND), then below that the accessory items for that tile.
In the format of –
;Code,Name,Tile Code,Finish,Items per Box,Cost per Item,Number per Estimate,Estimation Mode,Mat = 0 / Lab = 1 BOND,,,,,,,, Bond-RT,Ridge Tile,Bond,Bond,1,0,370,3,0 Bond-HT,Hip Tile,Bond,Bond,1,0,370,4,0 Bond-BT,Gable Tile,Bond,Bond,1,0,370,7,0 ;,,,,,,,, CONCRETE TILE,,,,,,,, Concrete Tile-RT,Ridge Tile,Concrete Tile,Concrete Tile,1,0,350,3,0 Concrete Tile-HT,Hip Tile,Concrete Tile,Concrete Tile,1,0,350,4,0 Concrete Tile-BT,Gable Tile,Concrete Tile,Concrete Tile,1,0,350,7,0 SC12,Spring Clip,Concrete Tile,,1,0,1,2,0 ;,,,,,,,, WELSH SLATE,,,,,,,, saf,soaker,welsh slate,,1,0,200,9,0 mt1,mitre,welsh slate,,1,0,180,4,0 ;,,,,,,,, ME-MENDIP,,,,,,,, RT,Ridge Tile,ME-Mendip,,1,0,295,3,0 HT,Hip Tile,ME-Mendip,,1,0,295,4,0 SE,Shell Ends,ME-Mendip,,1,0,1,15,0 BT,Rake Tile,ME-Mendip,,1,0,295,7,0 QSL/Za,Stopends Left,ME-Mendip,Za,1,0,1,0,0 ;,,,,,,,,
Estimation mode
0 = Not Estimated As it says, item is listed but not estimated.
1 = Per Unit Area Item is quantified based on unit area of roof where this panel is installed.
2 = Per Tile adds an accessory item(s) per tile
3 = Spaced Along the Ridge Adds accessory item based on the ridge length.
4 = Spaced Along the Hip Adds accessory item based on the hip length.
5 = Spaced Along the Valley Adds accessory item based on the valley length.
6 = Spaced Along the Gable Adds accessory item based on the gable length.
7 = Spaced Along the Roof to Wall (Apron) Adds accessory item based on the apron length.
8 = Spaced Along the SideWall (Step) Adds accessory item based on the sidewall (step) length.
9 = Spaced Along the Monoridge Adds accessory item based on the monoridge length.
10 = The software automatically adds an accessory category based on the flashing line types defined.
11 = Per Apex Adds accessory item based on each ridge/hip apex.
12 = Per Shell End Adds accessory item per hip end (a ‘shell-end’ piece).
13 = Per Wind Zone Any additional accessories required due to the wind zone of the structure (as set in the JobInfo dialog).
NOTE: The following description for setting up labour rates applies to Roof Wizard V11.0 and up.
If you’re not using Tiles+, DO NOT use LabourFile.DAT (as described below for Tiles+) for the regular Tiles database. Things go awry and it is difficult to undo.
The file looks like this when viewed in Notepad:
Roof name, Hip, then Ridge main name followed by 2 additional options (these are added to the price of the main Ridge/Hip line); then Valley main name and again 2 more pricing options, additional to the Valley price. Gable has 3 additional line items, not 2 like the rest. Underlay, Apron, Batten, Counter Batten, Fall Protection and Downpipes follow.
Note: All items must stay in their relative positions in the list.
Once setup as described above, the pay rate structure looks like this (the rates displayed below are random):
Once defined, set a name, then select [Add] to create a new labour rate, or [Update] to change the rates. Once added, these values are saved to the file TLabour5.csv in the ..\User folder.
Further rates are added to this list as you define them based on your settings for Storey Interval and and Pitch Interval. If you hit the [Update] button, you must next select [OK] to quit so that the file is saved as you exit.
At the bottom of this CSV file are the item labels as defined for your labour rates:
Other Miscellaneous Data files
The rules for Assembly Groups are stored in a file called AssRuleValues.dat and is in the form of:
This example has various rukes pertaining to the Gauge, Finish, Substrate, and System. Note each variable is terminated with the word END.
Allowance Files
*.AL2 Allowance file for Panels/Sheets. Adopts the name given by the operator when saved. Is them available to be used and re-used for various systems. Any number of allowance files may be generated. Must be edited from within the software.
Allowance file for Flashing/Trim. Adopts the name given by the operator when saved. Is them available to be used and re-used for various systems. Any number of allowance files may be generated. Must be edited from within the software.
Stores the last defined purlin/batten spacing. Transient file – that is it may change with each job and is created by the software so that the last used batten spacing settings are displayed.
There is no way to order the items within each primary material group in the Supply Only or Supply and Install dialog box – (Roof/Wall Cover, Flashings/Fittings, Accessories, Fasteners). However, there is a way to decide what appears in each category group, as well as the individual names of the groups. It requires you to define a category sort file.
An external file to the software “Categories.CSV” can be defined which allows for modification of these items. See the example here opened in Excel:
The first 4 lines define the names of the Category Groups in the Supply & Install dialog.
The remaining lines after these first 4 define category names and which category group they should be placed within. The software has default options built into it, but in my example here you can see that I am placing anything with a Category name of “Spout” into Group 2 (Accessories), anything with a category name of “Extra” into Group 1 (Flashings/Fittings) and anything with a category name of “Wall Insulation” into Group 0 (Roof/Wall Cover).
This also determines how labour and material items are grouped using the QuoteGroups function.
This file displays the alternative category for any item, forcing that item to be grouped according to the alternate category name for costing purposes. It comprises the Product Code for the item to uniquely identify it, and the alternate category name. This file is automaticaly created by the software but can be edited in Excel (with caution as errors can seriously mess with the operation of the software).
This also determines how labour and material items are grouped using the QuoteGroups function.
Stores your company’s details as it will appear on the report template.
Stores the product categories that may be set for your customer discount tables for each of your customers. Once defined here, the discount rate for each category is set from within the software and a new name applied which is a composite name using the defined customer and CustDisc.dat.
For example, if you have set the material discount rates for a guy called Customer Fred, a file is created called Customer Fred_CustDisc.DAT that contains all the discount rates for all the product categories for Fred. You will know that it is doing it correctly as you will see confirmation in the prompt area that the file has been written.
This file allows you to create a look-up table of customers and discount rates. Essentially you can have any number of customers and customer discount tables. In this example we have a file called TradePrice.csv (as shown below) and this sets the rate for that group of customers.
If you are proficient in the use of Excel then setting this up is straight forward. If you are not proficient, then get help. The easiest way to use this is to edit the file AppliCad supplies. Remember to make a backup of it BEFORE you play with it so that you have a working file to go back to if it all goes wrong for you.
Below is a section screen shot of Cust-Price-Lookup.csv as an example:
A user defined file that sets the discount rates for this or a group of clients. It is associated to the client by the Cust-Price-Lookup.csv file. The name is optional – TradePrice.csv is an example only. This is typically created in Microsoft Excel but may be created in Wordpad.
The price schedule can accommodate different rates for different roof pitches according to your requirements and will look something like the table below.
#0 sets the pitch intervals.
#1 is the first lot of roof tile options, with a price for each pitch interval,
#19 are the optional roof items for roof and their respective cost per unit.
#2 are ridge items and,
#29 are ridge optional items.
#3 are hip items and,
#39 are hip optional items
As you can see here –
Then we have ridge, ridge options, hip and hip options, valley and verge options:
Note: If you are proficient in the use of Excel then setting this up is straight forward. If you are not proficient, then get help. The easiest way to use this is to edit the file AppliCad supplies with the software. Remember to make a backup of it BEFORE you play with it so that you have a working file to go back to if it all goes wrong for you.
Stores the default settings for roof dimensions such as coursing units etc. Set from within the software.
DPLabels.dat This file allows the operator to define alternate labels for such things as the accessory items like shoe, elbow, offset etc. No special formatting is required – just a list similar to below:
Stores default options for fixtures including x,y,z scale, length, width etc of selected fixture items as they are placed in the model. Not edited outside the software. Transient file – that is it changes with each job and is created by the software.
Stores size and number of thumbnails for fixtures and Open Thumbnail functions.
Stores the flashing stock lengths and costs and typically edited within the software.
This file is created by the software and stores the link between a flashing and any special labour rates. Managed by the software.
Allows you to pre-set the font that is used on the CAD generated reports – typically set to ARIAL.FON which is a truetype font.
This is a file that is created by the software to report the amount if solar radiation that falls on a surface or surfaces in the SolarWizard software. It is created by the software and is re-written each time. The SolarWizard manual describes how this must be renamed if the information is to be used elsewhere for engineering computations.
Used by the Solar Wizard software to store the settings for the last used location. Saves the operator selecting them each time.
The way that MS Word handles the importing of the image files from Roof Wizard needs to be told what the ‘padding’ or space around the image needs to be. It looks something like this, and renders significant parts of the report less than fully functional:
You can improve this by adjusting the “padding” around the imported image as it is extracted from Roof Wizard. You need a simple text file called ‘ImagePAD.DAT‘ in the ..\User folder. Open Notepad and put a number of the order of, say 2000, in that file. Nothing else, just the number, and save it as ImagePAD.DAT in the ..\User folder. You may adjust this number to fine tune the appearance of your report.
Run your job again and it will look something like this:
Important Note – this enhancement only works in Roof Wizard post V10.10. Contact AppliCad Support Team if you need access to this release.
This is where tile labour optional items are defined. It is created outside the software typically in Notepad or Wordpad. The header in the file describes the options available. This is used to add specific pay categories or special conditions that you charge for that suit the way you wish to work.
Labour.bin (Redundent)
This file contained many default variables that are set from within the software and is no longer used, now replaced with… Labour_V6.bin
This file contains many default variables that are set from within the software and includes things like the default flashing allowances, blocking rounding etc. This is a binary file and only read by the software. You cannot review it in Notepad or Excel as you can with text files such as DAT or CSV files.
This file saves the last position on screen of the dialog boxes. It is saved to the ..\Temp folder as specified in the System Preferences.
Stores the last digitised outline coordinates so that your roof outline can be recovered. Transient file – that is it changes with each job and is created by the software. The number of outlines saved is set in the System Preferences settings.
Stores the last selected RXF file.
Stores the last selected Assembly item.
Stores the last used clips.
Stores the last used labour rates.
Stored operator settings for lines styles for roof lines – style of line for ridges and valleys etc. set from within the software but no longer used, now replaced with…. LinestylesV6.csv
Stores operator settings for line styles for roof lines – colour, style, weight (thickness) of line for ridges and valleys etc. Usually set from within the software. Set-Up > Preference Settings > System Preferences > Set Line styles/Plane Options. This file also stores the settings for the appearance of the roof and wall planes – colour, style and weight.
This file is used by the AppliCad Solar Wizard software tools to set the location of cities around the world and the time difference from UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Typically edited in Excel to add your own locations.
Column F contains the reference to a text file that contains datasets for the Ordermeasured data at that location – these include average ambient temperature and historical monthly solar radiation measurements.
This information is used by the Solar Wizard software to calculate the average annual radiation on surfaces.
This file contains the pricing information for those customers who use a nett cost for materials and labour based on squares ($ per Square Metre or $ per Linear Metre or $ per sq foot or $ per foot) for various items. While it is a CSV file, it is not in a form that is easily edited in Excel or Notepad.
Edit in the software only – Setup > Set Up Pay Rates > Nett Pay Rates. The default file name is NettRates.csv.
Multiple variations may be saved, and a new rate may be saved for a particular situation or client. It is then saved with that name and .NR6 extension.
Stores the definitions for Customers, Installers, Suppliers etc. It is a text file that is in a structered format so that the correct information is displayed in the correct place. There are a few basic limiters:
;CSV file for people record ;People can be customer; installer; builder; salesman; job details; and distributor ;id can be one of the following integers (1-6): CUSTOMER_ID = 1; INSTALLER_ID = 2; BUILDER_ID = 3; SALESMAN_ID = 4; JOBDETAILS_ID = 5; DISTRIBUTOR_ID = 6 ;index is integer starts from 0 ;name;contact;address 1;address 2 can take up to 79 characters each; address 3 is up to 60 characters; Business Number is up to 19 characters ;phone;fax;mobile can take up to 20 characters each ;The last column in the file is the customer discount, if applicable. A negative number serves as a markup.
The best way to enter all this data is via the dialog box in the Job Info so that the structure is taken care of, but once a basic set up is defined, you may add more information using MS Excel, or importing from another program, so long as the result looks as described above. For more info refer to Set-Up > Job Info.
Stores last location of the Measure Pitch axes icon.
Stores the details of each of the companies that you want to use the software for. You might be preparing quotations for two or three companies in your group and you want to select the right company details to appear on the report header. Below is an example for two monpanies – Metal Master Shop and United Contractors…
Used by the Solar Wizard software to store the settings for the last used location. Saves the operator selecting them each time.
Stores the template note options that you may use on your reports. Must be in the form of:
The ^ (caret) sign indicates a compulsory carriage return/line feed that is to say, a new line.
If this file exists in the \User folder, the software will print pricing on order form templates when using Supply Only and Supply and Install proposals. Otherwise the order forms are printed blank and the supplier can include the latest pricing at order fulfilment stage. The orderpricing.txt file is usually blank, that is, nothing written in it. The file simply has to exist and that prompts the Roof Wizard to insert recognised supplier pricing.
Stores the measured pitch. Transient file – that is it changes with each job and is created by the software.
Stores the XYZ of the axes for the pitch measure tool. Not edited outside the software. Transient file – that is it changes with each job and is created by the software. The last value in the file is the text colour and this might be changed if you’re having trouble reading the text in your workspace – it is three values for R, G, B.
Stores plot default settings and NOT set by the user. Transient file – that is it changes with each job and is created by the software.
This file stores the operator defined headings for Quote Groups and set within the software. It is usually best to create this file from within the software so that the correct indexs and labels are applied to the structure of the file. One small mistake can stop everything.
NOTE: You can have a maximum of 20 Quote Group definitions, with a maximum of 50 items per quote group.
The appearance of the data in the input screen.
The appearance in MS Excel –
name = FasciaGutter;
key text String = ###QGroup1;
0 for items not to be included; 1 for items to be included from the primary inclusions list.
The index is the location in the list of items in the input dialog box, and that is followed by the item name. Included items [Yes] are also indicated by the * symbol in the dialog box where you setup the Quote Groups.
This file saves the list of items to be included in the Quote Groups option list – to a maximum of 50 items!
Straight Extras Ridge Hip ... ... Elbow Fixture ... ... Parapet Cap Access Parapet Cap Mileage Parapet Cap Travel Parapet Cap Freight Parapet Cap Sundries Downpipe Freight Downpipe Access Downpipe Mileage Downpipe Travel Remainder END
Stores the starting number, prefix and suffix of your quote number. Typically set within the software but in the form of:
Allows you to pre-set a series of pre-defined quote names to ensure that the standard quote name is used or simply to speed up the process. Once defined, the available names are displayed when you select Save from the Supply and Install dialog box.
This file contains a list of default flashings from your flashings list that the Stage Manager process can automatically apply, without you having to actually select the trim package. If you do the same flashing package over and over, this can save quite a few steps of selecting and checking the flashing. Stage Manager just goes ahead and adds it all.
Stage Manager must be set up and enabled in Systems Preferences for the flashings system to be processed this way.
If you do not wish to have Stage Manager select the trim for you, go to Cover > Flashings; set all fields to [None]; and select Save As – and select [System Default]. The default system will then have no flashing pre-selected, and flashing will only be applied after you have selected it and run Generate.
If you have set all to [None], the file will look like this when viewed in MS Excel.
If you select any other flashing system during the normal process of selecting and applying your roof cover materials, with your own flashing package, then this file is ignored by Stage Manager.
This file is created by the software and stores all the presets in prompts and dialog boxes. When you open a dialog and values are already there from earlier use, this is where they are stored. If the file is deleted, the settings are replaced on start up. Note that if you are working on a shared network drive, presets from other users will be saved to the same file – it is happening continuously – so it is likely that your presets will not stay the same. It is getting presets from other users too. It has been known that this file can become corrupted working across a network with multiple users and may cause odd happenings. It is OK to delete it (simply renaming it works too) to check whether the file is the culprit. If deleted, the software recreates it from back up settings.
This file is saved in the \User folder and stores the status of user settings in the Setup > Preference Settings > System Preferences dialog box. If deleted, the software writes a new file on start up, but trashes previous settings if you do. The back up settings are stored in the \Programs folder.
Allows a user to run multiple …\User folders with the one AppliCad\Roof Wizard\Programs folder but still display a different heading to the software, to thus differentiate it with the user so they could see what version/material and labour setup they are running. This also requires a different Desktop short cut to be created directing the software to the different …\User folders. The SoftwareTitle.dat file must be in the appropriate …\User folder.
This text results in this Windows Title bar…
Stores the stage sequences and stories etc for the Stage Manager. Set within the software.
Stores the panel or sheet Stock Length table data. Set within the software.
If you print standard CAD Report Types 12 or 13 (Tax Invoice 1 or Tax Invoice 2), the software stops to ask you what you want it to say on the Invoice report and this is the dialog that is displayed. The text strings come from the file TaxInvoiceNotes.txt and can be modified in Wordpad or Notepad to say whatever you want them to say on your invoice(s).
The following dialog box is displayed when you select either of the Tax Invoice reports:
NOTE – This only works for a single customer with a special need for this control. It does not work for the regular Roof Wizard installation.
The TIFF Options output file allows the user to define the size and resolution of the output TIFF file, plus some control over what is displayed.
TIFFOPT.DAT that looks like this:
Thus, the above is a 1200 x 800 pixel image at 150DPI.
Coursing on, but no roof planes. Colour Image.
It needs to reside in the User folder, but can be placed anywhere and the software will find it. User, Corp, System etc. for SAP integration.
This is where the preset template names for both CAD and Word/Excel Drawing Templates are associated with the drawing output process. This allows any template form to have any name when displayed in the print options list. Column A is the name you wish to have in the Print options list. Column B is the actual file name in the ..\User folder. For drawing output as distinct from report output, you need to tell the software what sort of drawing it is so that the correct information is automatically included, without you having to do any further work in generating the report. This is done in column C using the code number as required.
This is where the preset template names for CAD and Word/Excel Report Templates are associated with the reporting output process. This allows any template form/report to have any name when displayed in the print options list. Column A is the name you wish to have in the [Print] options list. Column B is the actual file name in the ..\User folder.
The Panel Side Underlap Distance is greyed out in the Metal Panels > Allowances dialog, unless the user inserts a file entitled “SIDELAP.DAT” in the User folder. Value defaults to 0.0. This is set for just two of all our users – these guys do angle cutting in the factory and the panel width is adjusted so that the correct angle of cut is calculated.
With this file in the User folder, the software is forced into ‘CSR mode‘ so that the software will interact with SAP as required by SAP. DO NOT set this unless you are CSR and have SAP or it will screw up your system, big time!
NOTE – This only works for CSR with a special need for this control. It does not work for the regular Roof Wizard installation.
The TIFF Options output file allows the user to define the size and resolution of the output TIFF file, plus some control over what is displayed.
TIFFOPT.DAT that looks like this:
Thus, the above is a 1200 x 800 pixel image at 150DPI. OPtimum settings for SAP are 1200×600(pi xels)
Coursing on, but no roof planes. Colour Image.
It needs to reside in the User folder, but can be placed anywhere and the software will find it. User, Corp, System etc. for SAP integration. SAP uses the TIF file to illustrate the client quotation PDF document SAP produces.