CAD Edit Move/Stretch/Copy/Delete

CAD Edit > Move/Stretch/Copy/Delete + More

Group Move

The Group Move command allows the movement of a group of entities by a selected distance and direction. The group of entities is selected, followed by the selection of a point location that defines the initial location for the move.

Another point location is then selected which defines the distance and direction of the movement in relation to the initial location. Any number of point locations can then be continually selected, with each defining the distance and direction of the move in relation to the initial location, until the final location is decided upon.

Once the final location is selected, the Abort button concluded the move and the selected group of entities will be moved the defined distance from their original location in the defined direction.

1.Associated entities (i.e. associated points, control points of curves and patches, surface boundary entities) will not be moved but a copy of these entities will be generated at the defined distance from the original in the defined direction.

2. If the appropriate option for the Defaults Switches, Drag Type command is active, the selected group of entities will appear dynamically with all cursor movements. This enables the final position to be visualised prior to its selection.

Group Rotate

The Group Rotate command allows the rotation or the generation of rotated copies of a group of entities about a selected axis and through a specified angle. When selected, the Group Rotate Defaults dialog box is displayed is enabled allowing the copies of the selected entities, generated by the rotation, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the active default settings for the model or by the entities from which they are copied.

Colour/Layer/Style/Weight Refer Group Project command for more information on these options.

Text Allows the text entities that are selected to be manipulated with either the text orientation remaining constant or text orientation changed or conformed to the transformation that has been applied.  This is a choice between Same and Transform. If Transform is selected the text entity will be manipulated.

If Same is selected, only the text origin position will be manipulated, the text orientation will remain the same.

Number of Copies Allows the number of copies (and subsequently the number of angle increments) of the selected group of entities during the rotation to be specified and may range from 0 (i.e. rotation only) to 10000.

Rotation Angle Allows the angle of rotation to be specified. The group of entities is then selected, followed by the selection of two point locations that define the start and end of the axis of rotation respectively. The direction of rotation around the defined axis is determined using the ‘right-hand’ rule. With the right hand half closed and the thumb extended at right angles, the thumb points in the direction of the axis and the curled fingers indicate the positive direction of rotation.

If the specified number of copies is greater than 0, the selected group of entities will remain in their original location and the specified number of copies of them will be generated at the specified angle increments rotated from the original location around the defined axis. If the specified number of copies is 0, there will only be a rotation of that group of entities.

Group Rotate-2d

The Group Rotate-2d command allows the rotation or the generation of rotated copies of a group of entities about a given point and through a specified angle. The axis used is parallel to the CPL Z-axis.

When selected, the Group Rotate-2d Defaults dialog box is displayed allowing the copies of the selected entities generated by the rotation to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the active default settings for the model or by the entities from which they are copied.

Colour/Layer/Style/Weight Refer Group Project command for more information on these options.

Text Allows the text entities that are selected, to be manipulated with either the text orientation remaining constant or text orientation changed or conformed to the transformation that has been applied.

This is a choice between Same and Transform. If Transform is selected, the text entity will be manipulated. If Same is selected, only the text origin position will be manipulated, the text orientation will remain the same.

Number of Copies Allows the number of copies (and subsequently the number of angle increments) of the selected group of entities during the rotation to be specified and may range from 0 (i.e. rotation only) to 10000.

Rotation Angle Allows the angle of rotation to be specified. The group of entities is then selected, followed by the selection of the point entity that defines the point of rotation. The entities are rotated anti-clockwise with respect to the current CPL. If the specified number of copies is greater than 0, the selected group of entities will remain in their original location and the specified number of copies of them will be generated at the specified angle increments rotated from the original location around the defined point.

If the specified number of copies is 0, there will only be a rotation of that group of entities.


Group Dyn-Rot

The Group Dyn-Rot command allows combined rotation about a point and translation of selected entities.

The rotation of the entities may be controlled by the use of the function keys. When selected, the Dynamic Rotate Defaults dialog box is displayed allowing the incremental rotation angles to be specified in each of the X, Y and Z axes.

X Rotation Angle
Y Rotation Angle
Z Rotation Angle

Allow the angle factors to be applied relative to the X, Y, Z axes of the CPL specified.

Text Allows the text entities that are selected to be manipulated with either the text orientation remaining constant or text orientation changed or conformed to the transformation that has been applied.

This is a choice between Same and Transform.   If Transform is selected, the text entity will be manipulated.

If Same is selected, only the text origin position will be manipulated, the text orientation will remain the same.

Number of Copies Allows the number of copies (and subsequently the number of scale increments) of the selected group of entities during the rotation to be specified and may range from 0 (i.e. scaling of the entities only) to 10000.

Locate the entities to rotate and then the origin of the rotation.  At this point a drag figure of the entities will appear.

The function keys can be used to rotate the entities at this point.

F1 - Rotates forward about the X axis
F2 - Rotates backward about the X axis
F3 - Rotates forward about the Y axis
F4 - Rotates backward about the Y axis
F5 - Rotates forward about the Z axis
F6 - Rotates backward about the Z axis
F7 - Doubles the incremental rotation angles
F8 - Halves the incremental rotation angles

Once the correct rotation has been established the entity’s new position can be located.


Group Mirror

The Group Mirror command allows the mirroring or the generation of mirrored copies of a group of entities about a defined plane. When selected, the Group Mirror Defaults dialog box is enabled

allowing the copies of the selected entities, generated by the mirroring, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the default settings for the model or by the entities from which they are copied.

Colour/Layer/Style/Weight Refer Group Project command for more information on these options.

Text Allows the text entities that are selected to be manipulated with either the text orientation remaining constant or text orientation changed or conformed to the transformation that has been applied.

This is a choice between Same and Transform. If Transform is selected, the text entity will be manipulated. If Same is selected, only the text origin position will be manipulated, the text orientation will remain the same.

Number of Copies Allows the number of copies of the selected group of entities during the mirroring to be specified. If 0 is selected, the entities will be mirrored only. If 1 is selected, the entities will be mirrored and copied.

Plane Type Upon verification of the entities selected, the Plane Type sub-menu is then enabled

allowing the selection of the type of mirror plane about which the selected entities are to be mirrored.

The mirror plane is defined by a selected line and the current CPL:
•two selected point locations and the current CPL
•three selected point locations
•a selected plane
•the X and Y axes of the current CPL
•the Y and Z axes of the current CPL
•the X and Z axes of the current CPL.

Line Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command to be defined by a line.

The required line is selected, resulting in the defined plane being the plane that passes through the two endpoints of the line and is normal, in the Z-axis, to the current CPL.

The selected Group commands are then completed.

2-Points Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by two point locations. Two point locations are selected or specified, resulting in the defined plane being the plane that passes through both selected point locations and is normal, in the Z-axis, to the current CPL. The selected Group commands are then completed.


3-Points Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by three point locations. Three point locations are selected or specified, resulting in the defined plane being the plane that passes through all three selected point locations.

The selected Group commands are then completed.

Plane Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by a plane.

The required plane is selected, thereby defining the plane to be used.  The selected Group commands is then completed.

CPL-XY Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by the X and Y axes of the current CPL. A depth in the Z direction is specified, resulting in the defined plane being the plane created by the X and Y axes (Z plane) at the specified Z depth.  The selected Group commands are then completed.

CPL-YZ Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by the Y and Z axes of the current CPL. A depth in the X direction is specified, resulting in the defined plane being the plane created by the Y and Z axes (X plane) at the specified X depth.  The selected Group commands are then completed.

CPL-XZ Allows the plane, applicable to the selected Group command, to be defined by the X and Z axes of the current CPL. A depth in the Y direction is specified, resulting in the defined plane being the plane created by the X and Z axes (Y plane) at the specified Y depth.  The selected Group commands are then completed.


Group Project

The Group Project command allows the linear projection of a group of entities, by a selected distance and direction. The entities are projected generating either surfaces (i.e. ruled surfaces and/or planes) or a wire-frame only. When selected, the Group Project Defaults dialog box is displayed allowing the entities, generated by the projection, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the active default settings for the model or by the entities from which they are generated.

Colour Allows the entities that are generated by the Group commands to have their colour defined by the current default colour for the model or by the entity that causes its generation. Also allows the entities altered by the Group Stretch command to have their colour re-assigned with the current default colour for the model.

This is a choice between Same and Active.

If Same is selected, the colour assigned to a generated entity will be the same as that assigned to the entity from which it was generated. The colour assigned to an altered entity will be the same as that assigned before alteration.

If Active is selected, the colour assigned to a generated entity will be the current default colour for the model. The colour assigned to an altered entity will be re-assigned with the current default colour for the model.

Layer Allows the entities that are generated by the Group commands to have their layer defined by the current default layer for the model or by the entity that causes its generation.

It also allows the entities altered by the Group Stretch command to have their layer re-assigned with the current default layer for the model.  This is a choices between Same and Active.

If Same is selected, the layer assigned to a generated entity will be the same as that assigned to the entity it was generated from. The layer assigned to an altered entity will be the same as that assigned before alteration.

If Active is selected, the layer assigned to a generated entity will be the current default layer for the model. The layer assigned to an altered entity will be re-assigned with the current default layer for the model.

Style Allows the entities that are generated by the Group commands to have their style defined by the current default style for the model or by the entity that causes its generation. Also allows the entities altered by the Group Stretch command to have their style re-assigned with the current default style for the model.  This is a choice between Same and Active.

If Same is selected, the style assigned to a generated entity will be the same as that assigned to the entity from which it was generated. The style assigned to an altered entity will be the same as that assigned before alteration.

If Active is selected, the style assigned to a generated entity will be the current default style for the model. The style assigned to an altered entity will be re-assigned with the current default style for the model.

Weight Allows the entities that are generated by the Group commands to have their weight defined by the current default weight for the model or by the entity that causes its generation. Also allows the entities altered by the Group Stretch command to have their weight re-assigned with the current default weight for the model.

This is a choice between Same and Active.

If Same Is selected, the weight assigned to a generated entity will be the same as that assigned to the entity it was generated from. The weight assigned to an altered entity will be the same as that assigned before alteration.

If Active is selected, the weight assigned to a generated entity will be the current default weight for the model. The weight assigned to an altered entity will be re-assigned with the current default weight for the model.

Generate Surfaces Allows the generation of either surfaces or a wire-frame to be specified.

This is a choice between Yes and No.
If Yes is selected then lines will be placed from the ends of the projected entities and original entities and a surface will be placed between the projected entities and original entities.
If No is selected then only lines will be placed between the ends of the projected entities and original entities.

Number of Copies Allows the number of incremental projection copies of the entities to be specified. This value ranges from 1 to 1000.

Two point locations are then selected to define the distance and direction of the projection (i.e. initial point and final point). This results in the selected entities being linearly projected, through 3D space, from their original position with the specified number of copies being located at incremental distances in the direction of the projection. The appropriate entities are generated between the original and the projected entities as specified in the Generate Surfaces dialog box.

The subsequent selection of an isometric or user defined view may be required to see the Group Project result, if generated from a top view for example.


Group Scale

The Group Scale command allows the scaling or the generation of scaled copies of entities, in relation to the X, Y and
Z axes of the current CPL, about a selected point location.   When selected, the Group Scale Defaults dialog box is
displayed allowing the entities, generated by the scaling, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the active default settings for the model or by the entities from which they were scaled.

Number of Copies Allows the number of copies (and subsequently the number of scale increments) of the selected group of entities during the scaling to be specified and may range from 0 (i.e. scaling of the
entities only) to 10000.
X scale
Y scale
Z scale
Allow the scale factors to be applied relative to the X, Y, Z axes of the CPL specified.  A scale factor greater than 1 will expand the entities relative to that axis (i.e. a scale factor of 2 is equivalent to a scale ratio of 2:1) whereas a scale factor greater than 0 but less than 1 will compress the entities relative to that axis (i.e. a scale factor of 0.5 is equivalent to a scale ratio of 1:2). A negative scale factor will also mirror the entities about the selected scale point location.

This is followed by the selection of the entities to be scales, followed by a point location about which the group of entities is to be scaled.

If the specified number of copies is greater than 0, the selected group of entities will remain unaffected in their original location and the specified number of copies of them will be generated at the defined scale increments, scaled about the selected scale point location.

For example, if 3 copies are specified with X and Y scale factors of 2 and a Z scale factor of 1, the first scaled copy of the group of entities will be twice the size of the originals, about the selected scale point location, in relation to the X and Y axis of the current CPL. The second scaled copy will be four times and the third scaled copy will be eight times the size of the originals in relation to the X and Y axis of the current CPL. If the specified number of copies is 0, there will only be a scaling of that group of entities about the selected scale point location.


Group Offset

The Group Offset command allows the generation of offset copies of a group of adjoining co-planar lines, circles and/or arcs. They are offset from the original group of entities by a specified incremental projection and defined offset distance. This command effectively performs an enlargement or reduction of the polygon shape described by the group of entities.
When selected, the Group Offset Defaults dialog box is displayed allowing the entities, generated by the offset, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the active default settings for the model or by the entities from which they were offset.

Offset Type  Allows the specification of the offset command and is a choice between Square and Round.
If Square is selected then the corners of the offset entities will be trimmed to a square corner. If Round is selected then the corners of the offset entities will have an arc inserted with the radius being equal to the offset distance.

Projection Distance The incremental projection distance is then specified and is calculated normal to the X-Y plane defined by the selected group of entities, and in the direction determined by the Z-axis of the current CPL. This defines the plane to which the generated copy will be projected to, relative to the plane defined by the selected group of entities.

The adjoining lines, circles and/or arcs are consecutively selected around the perimeter of the polygonal shape they
describe. If these entities form a closed loop (i.e. the first and last entities selected adjoin as well), no more entities can be selected.  If they do not form a closed loop, further entity selection is aborted with the Abort button and verification of the selected entities is requested.

The first entity selected is then highlighted as a reference for the offset distance. A point location is then selected to define the offset distance relative to the highlighted entity in the X-Y plane defined by the selected group of entities.
If only one entity has been selected, the offset distance is relative to the current CPL.

A copy of the selected group of entities is then generated which offsets the polygon shape of the selected group of entities and lies on the defined projection plane. As further point locations are selected, defining another offset
distance relative to the highlighted entity, the projection distance is incremented for each successively generated copy.

1. A loop is considered closed when the endpoints of the adjoining selected entities are within the distance
value specified by the Trace-Tol option of the Defaults Tolerance command.
2. Lines, circles and arcs are 3D model entities. Although they may appear co-planar in the current view, they may not be co-planar in 3D space.

Group Offset=  The Group Offset= command allows the generation of offset copies of a group of adjoining co-planar lines, circles and/or arcs. They are offset from the original group of entities by specified incremental projection and offset distances.   This command performs an enlargement or reduction of the polygonal shape described by the group of entities. When selected, the Group Offset= Defaults dialog box is displayed allowing the entities, generated by the offset, to have their colour, layer, style and weight defined by the default settings for the model or by the entities from which they were offset.

Offset Type Allows the specification of the Offset command and is a choice between Square and Round.
If Square is selected then the corners of the offset entities will be trimmed to a square corner. If Round is selected then the corners of the offset entities will have an arc inserted with the radius being equal to the offset distance.
Offset Distance The incremental offset distance is then specified and is calculated relative to the highlighted entity in the X-Y plane defined by the entities themselves.

If only one entity has been selected, the incremental offset distance is relative to the current CPL.  Projection Distance The incremental projection distance is then specified and is calculated at right angles to the X-Y plane defined by the selected entities, and in the direction determined by the Z-axis of the current CPL. This defines the plane to which the generated entities will be projected to, relative to the plane defined by the entities themselves.
The adjoining lines, circles and/or arcs are consecutively selected around the perimeter of the polygonal shape they
describe. If these entities form a closed loop (i.e. the first and last entities selected adjoin as well), no more entities can be selected.

If they do not form a closed loop, further entity selection is aborted with the abort button and verification of the selected entities is requested.  The first entity selected is then highlighted as a reference for the projection and offset distances.  A point location is then selected to define the direction in which to apply the incremental offset distance (offset direction), relative to the highlighted entity.  A copy of the selected group of entities is then generated which
offsets the polygon shape of the selected group of entities and lies on the defined projection plane.
As further point locations are selected, relative to the highlighted entity, the offset and projection distances are
incremented for each successively generated copy.

1. A loop is considered closed when the endpoints of the adjoining selected entities are within the distance
value specified by the Trace-Tol option of the Defaults Tolerance command.
2. Lines, circles and arcs are 3D model entities. Although they may appear co-planar in the current
view, they may not be co-planar in 3D space.