Your Company Details

Your Company Details

The company details are the name and details that you want to appear automatically on your reports.   You can define multiple business names in Roof Wizard for that situaiton where you have different branches or business units getting their estimating done by a centralised location.

The first step is to define the details of your company in the software, so that the reports print with your details on them. To define your company details select Set-Up > Your Company Details from the Pulldown menu. This will bring up the following dialog box.

From here you can type in the details of your company. When the details have been filled in click [OK] and your company details will be saved permanently.
Name The name of your company.
Address The address of your company.
Phone The phone number of your company.
Fax The fax number of your company (if applicable).
Note 1 For additional information if required, such as company by-line or could also be used for second email address.
Note 2 For additional information if required – maybe  the company’s web site address.
Business No. You could use this for your ABN (Australian Business Number), VAT No. or any other detail you wish to use. It doesn’t have to be a business number to be used on a report or header. Refer to the section dealing with defining templates to get a handle on how this information is used bythe software to generate reports.